I have 4 Q's :)


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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2008
Reaction score
The moon
Answer the questions :eek:

I would have had to make 4 seperate topics if I didnt do this, so just be cooperative :eek:

1. What kind of tamagotchi are you currently running?

I currently have my v3 running B) Its blue and has butterflies on it :D

2. How many tamas do you LIKE to have running at one time?

One or two. But I usually only like to have two running if they are the same version so they are easy to marry.

3. When you are heading out the door, which are you more likely to grab: Your tamagotchi or your cell phone?

Neither. No, both. No, my tamagotchi :( Is that weird? Because I cant call or text anyone on my tamagotchi, and if something bad happens, I cant call 911 on a tamagotchi. But I just like my tamagotchi better sometimes because its smaller than my chunky brick of an iPhone. And its cuter too :D And what if it needs something when I'm out eating dinner? D:

4. List your tama-collection.

Blue V1

White V2

Blue V3

Pink V4.5

Blue MS

White Chibi :D

I used to have a lot more, but either they got destroyed or Goodwill-ed :D

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1) None because they both broke.

2) Yeah, two, because you can marry them etc.

3) Cell Phone.


Pink and white V3

Grey and black V3

...but both of the above have run out of battery etc.

1) None. Both out of batteries.

2) One. Easier to take care of.

3) Cell phone. Although I don't have one, but if I did than I wouldn't be able to go anywhere without it. And tamas are cool, but I like cells more.

4) White and blue V5

Pink V4.

1) V5 and V4. The other three are lost somewhere in my mess of a room.

2) All 5. Then marry my V4 and V3 together.

3) Tamagotchi. I don't hace my own phone yet.

4)Light pink V1,

Pink ice lollies V3 (don't have a V2)

Purple translucent snowflake V4

Green and pink hearts V5

Orange and purple V6.


1 V3

1V4 (Out of Batteries)

3 V6


As many as I can handle.


Tamagotchi because my phone is probably not charged.


Too many to count, but my estimate is around 40. wait, let me think of the top of my head.

1 Angelgotchi

4 Original

1 Devilgotchi

1 Forest

1 Mothra

1 V1

3 V2

4-5 V3 (Cant remember)

5-8 V4 (Cant remember)

1 Entama

1 Uratama

1 V4.5

2 Tamasuka

3 Music Star

1 V5

1 Yasashi

So around 37 at the highest.


2 Music Stars

2 V5s

1 V5 Celebrity

2 V4s

1 V4.5

2. I would'nt feel OK unless I have at least 10 Tamagotchis around me. ^_^

3. Tamagotchi. I don't have a cell phone yet. And I don't plan on owning one anytime soon.


3 Music Stars

3 V4.5s

2 V4s

2 V5s

1 V5 Celebrity

1 V3

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