I found a v3 instruction sheet!


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I found a v3 instruction sheet on Tamagotchi.com, and I was PMing TamaMum at the moment. She told me that I might be able to post it in this forum, which I'm going to do.Now don't hesitate because the underlined thingy that you're looking at right now is the link!!!

It's so cool! But TamaMum also told me to warn you guys that it's very hard to read! :D :angry: :huh:
:( B) :) Thank You so much mimitchi&hanatchilover for the intuctions.Even though I dont have a V3 yet I can know how to function it perfectly.Do you want to be friends. ^_^

it didnt show anything. :mellow: : :angry: :blink:
It did for me and yes, it's a little too hard to read! :huh: aw, well.

I have two version three instrustion sheets so I don't mind. It's realy cool to see the instruction sheet before actually buying the product though.

^ so thanks, mimitchi&hanatchilover for this helpfull sheet, anyways.

// <_<

thank- you once again..

by tutti*frutti!

omg thank you sooooo much for the instruction sheet! the V-3 looks so cool! i only have two V-2's! :unsure:

You should pm that link to administration. They might be able to post it! :)

testing avatar who likes it

(i know its off topic but i need to know if it worked or not)

If you look at the menue with all the icons at the top and select the magnifying glass, you can make the words and pictures much bigger and easier to read.

If you look at the menue with all the icons at the top and select the magnifying glass, you can make the words and pictures much bigger and easier to read.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is TOTALLY right!! You can zoomit in with the magnifying glass at the top and you can actually read it!!!!!! OMG

-Rambo2 :lol:

THANK YOU!! I might get my tama V3 on Fri or Monday!!

THANK YOU!!! i might be getting a v3 in 3 days <_< its a great help now i can persude my folks to get me one by pointing out the good bits :hitodetchi:

This topic was from February, tamaturle. That was before v3 was released.

The v3's come with an instruction booklet.

In the future, please do not bump up topics.

It's against the Tamatalk Guidelines.

I kept the instruction sheet from when I got my first V3 Tama so I don't need it, but I think it's very useful and clever to put it up in the this forum for everyone to see, and especially for the people who don't have V3's yet.

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