i acidntly broke my brothers tow


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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ok we had a bad stench coming from outside and my little brother ran outside to smell it and he left the door open so the smell was coming inside and i ran over and closed the door and it turned out at the same time, he was running to come back in ,and he broke his tow, now he has an itsy bitsy cast on it and he wont let it go!! this is how its like ever day:

" y did u break my leg?"

"it was an accident and i didnt break ur leg i broke ur TOW"

"so u admit u broke it?"

"yes, i mean NO i did NOT break ur tow it was and acident"

"U BROKE MY LEG U MURDERER!!!" *cries* momy dady!!"

"NO NO do tell mom and dad they wont believe me! what do i have to do?!"

"massoge my leg"



so yeah u see what its like on a regular basis if i stop doing stuff fur him then he will call my mom in dad and tell them that i purposly brke his tow and they are gonna believe him and im gonna be in the biggest trouble of my life!! (they always elieve him cuz hes small and cute)

I accidentaly broke my brother's toe~

And now he really won't let it gooo~

I broke his toe

Oh yes I did

But now he's acting like a stupid kid~

I accidentaly broke my brother's toe~

And now he refuses to let it go~

Sometimes I feel like giving him the shoe~

But then I have something to do~


I accidentaly, broke my brother's toe~

I'm sorry. Inspiration comes randomly.

I say listen to the song. Tell him he's acting like a stupid kid and needs to get over it.

Spelling o.o Please, it hurts my eyes. Dictionary check stuff first, really. It gives me OCD.

Tell him not to be a moron. Tell him you could have broken a lot more than a toe if you wanted to, and if he doesn't shut up, take him up on this option.

Or not.

Yeah, just go to your parents first, then he has nothing to complain about. Get them to believe you, and they wont believe him. Simple as that.

Or... my first option works wonders. Really.

How do your parents not know you broke his toe yet he has a cast?
they no he broke it but they dont no HOW , he didnt tell them so he could hold it over me

You tell them, then. It isn't as though you did it on purpose. You can't get in any trouble.

Toe. Toe toe toe toe toe. Not tow. Sorry but I hate spelling errors.

Well, tell your parents what you did and that it was an accident and also tell them how your brother is now holding it over you, even though it was an accident. You'll feel better and he might get in trouble for lying to them about how he broke it and holding it over you.

uhh, the smart thing to do would be to tell your parents that you did it, so he has nothing over you.

and your brother might get in trouble for not telling them in the first place :3

You tell them, then. It isn't as though you did it on purpose. You can't get in any trouble.
And I'd like to add that your brother is performing blackmail. Be truthful, make sure they know this and if they punish you for something you did accidently, well they're either parents who need a remedial course in parenting or karma will bite them in the rear later on for their mistake. Either you would of done the right thing and sometimes that's all you can do.

I thought I replied to this topic? I guess not. Well, first let me just say that the spelling errors are hurting my eyeballs. Toe.

Now, if you don't want to get in trouble, tell your parents that you were the one to accidentally break your brother's toe, and that he keeps torturing you about it.

You should tell your parents so he won't be taking advantage of you anymore I'd tell them I accidentally broke his toe and I'd tell them what had happened. How old is your brother? And when did this happen?

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