How to get a Mimitchi on V4!


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Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
Where ever I want to be. DUH!
First of all IT HAS TO BE A GIRL.Then how it worked for me was when it turned into a Harutchi.I'm not sure about the other kids,but Harutchi is in the Mame family.When it's a teen,if you took good care of it,it should be in the Mame family (if you don't know what the Mame family is or who Harutchi is, I suggest looking at a growth or character chart).When it's a teen,YOU HAVE TO HAVE MORE INTELLIGENCE POINTS THAN ANY OF THE OTHER POINTS.So if you only have say,10 style points and 6 social points,you've got to have like 15 points because it has to be bigger than your second largest number.It worked for me,hope it works for you. :p

Ya think mine will be a Mimitchi??

Name: Ami

Gender: Girl

Training: 4 (as of now)

Most PLayed games: Jump rope and shape. Occasionally flag.

Growth: Egg (well, duh!), Baby, Harutchi, and is currently a Young Mmitchi.

Currently has about 90 intelligence and about 30 for the other two T_T

and, we have a ton of money.

(btw, just wondering- for school, how do you know which box the pencil is in??)

Mimi-tchi: You know the game where you have three hats and you hide something under one of the hats, then shuffle them around and guess where the item is? It's like that- but instead, when the boxes blink they're switched around.

I think that as long as you treat your Tamagotchi decently (you don't have to be perfect- just as long as you don't care for it badly) you should get Mimitchi.

I don't think care affects what family a Tamagotchi ends up in though I find that if I didn't care for the previous adult very well I end up with the Meme family. That's just me though.

Thx 4 the info. And yep, i know those hat games. Just one problem: Ive tried that before (select the last blinking one) but it sometimes is poop. Idk why. (We better PM each other... Otherwise this is not going to be a Mimitchi topic anymore)

Thx 4 the info. And yep, i know those hat games. Just one problem: Ive tried that before (select the last blinking one) but it sometimes is poop. Idk why. (We better PM each other... Otherwise this is not going to be a Mimitchi topic anymore)
You don't have to select the last blinking one. The box with the points always starts on the right. Then, they're shuffled 4 times, and each time the 2 boxes that blink swap their positions.

So, let's say, on the first shuffle the left and middle boxes blink, the points still are in the right box, because it didn't move this time. Then, on the second shuffle, say the left and right boxes blink and the middle one doesn't move: since the points were in the right box, they will now be in the left... it's easy.

Oops, sorry for the offtopic :furawatchi:

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