I have two Connections, and I always let them have offspring... Do they die at a certain age, or can you keep them as the old one for a long time?
Anyway, I'm only on my fifth generation. So I'd assume they were each about 8-10 years old when they left their children behind, so I've had them not die for about 40-50 tamayears.
well.....this is CrAzY! i love my tamagotchis so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much! so i have one witch is 79 (this may change by the time u look at this). I also have a tama who is on the 14th gen. Its an adolt....the match maker will be here soon!!!!
as for my nano puppy. Coz u can reset it by pressing the butterns A and D together (the two end butterns) i keep acsecdently reseting it......lol. I keep for getting that u turn the nano sound of by going into the clock and remove the bell! lol