How many Sb now?


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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2007
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Is anyone going for spring break vacation now?If so tell us. also who has no school now? How many days? :)

I am still in school, it's about spring for us. Not know, long ways from now..
i just had a half day and i have 11 days until..... SCHOOL!!! but again confernces.

I had it last week- during which I was sick. x[

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My school gets out for spring break on March 30th. Then my dad's taking us to Hawaii for five days!

Well, My spring break starts on monday (monday the 26, well technically it starts on friday, well i dunno) we go back on April 2nd

Well, My spring break starts on monday (monday the 26, well technically it starts on friday, well i dunno) we go back on April 2nd
Omg same here but mine started today march 22 and ends april 2nd.not trying to brag but i have spring break longer. srry if i am being mean.

Mine begins on Holy Thursday, and goes on the week after Easter (the 8th) and then we go back to school.


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