er... no. i dont think backlighting is needed. adding things like that will just raise the price for little gain, like being able to see it in the dark, when you can turn on a light or cheaper.
i would, though, like to see a glow in the dark shell. that would be fun. That and more chrome colors. i would also like them to sell more accessories, like lanyards to keep them on your neck, and removable keychain attachments (instead of that boring old key ring. i dont know anyone who actually puts their keys on them anyways, they really scratch the screen)
point being, yes, the V2 is well done, i snagged three while i was in the UK (and still am) and am fiddling with them all the time. the only thing that bugs me is how little your tama wants to play. it's really finicky about when it wants to jump or play slots.