How do you eat your toast


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;) I like my with bacon and butter melting on top of it ;)
Cream Cheese, butter, liversausage and musturd, cheese whiz, chedar cheese, or I put bacon and get another piece of toast and make a sandwich.

Either one is great with me. :D

I put it in the toaster, Put butter and vegemite on it, Cut it in half and eat it.


I usually have peanut butter or vegemite on it.

Does anyone eat toast like me?

Or do you not have toasters?

Or should I be concerned about where the bread comes from?

peanut butter on toast.....

or cream cheese

I just might have to try the cinnamon and sugar w/butter thing. Sounds delicious.

I like chokecherry jelly hand choked from the finest cherries in Minnesota on my toast. MMMMM. Get's me every time. Too bad it's so hard to come by, but every once in a while my grandmother will buy some.

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