How do i buy food if i'm out of money?


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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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Hi! I mean Music Star not V6 =P

I am really worried because i know teenage tama's don't like baby food and it doesn't raise their hungry bar up, so i bought a whole whack of food. And now i'm out of money. And i know that the only way to get money on the V6 is to get it from the king, but he's not coming! My tama's already a teen ichigotchi and i'm scared that if i run out of the food i'm using, my tama will starve and die! (unless i pause it)

So my question is, how do you make money on the Music Star?

And also, how much money do you get from the king when he comes?

Thanks a bunch =)

Sorry if theres spelling errors, i gotta type really quickly =P

Edit: I know it's not called a V6, it's a Music Star =P

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the king comes a few ties a day and gives a large amount of money or food each time!! another trick i use is only buy low money foods like if they have breed for 100gp buy a bunch of thoes!! never use money on foods that are overpriced the lower foods are better!!

Are there any certain times that he comes? Because he hasn't come at all yet...

i dont beleave there are certon times but when its an adalt your tama will get pay check for tons of money if you do concerts ofen and well but untill then the only way to get mony is from the king. also the king gives TONS of money!!! hev justr gave my 2000gp!!! im saveing it for emergensys!!

Phew! Okay thanks =)

Edit: The king's not coming..

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Okay Sorry for double posting but,

I'm in need of major help!

The king STILL hasn't come, and its been a couple days that i've had my tama.

And now i have no snacks except for the baby drink thing. And i'm also running low on food!! Can my tama just have the baby stuff? Will it work? Or is my poor little Cupcake going to die?

Is there a way to get points off of Music City? ANYTHING?? I just need food or money!

You can also go to the "Away" option where you normally would go to shop. Select one of the last two store options after your away. Those are both money making games. Otherwise, practice and do concerts. As well as doing the first option you see after your away. This will help you raise your "music levels" You can also communicate with another tamagotchi music star. When they play games you will get a certain amount of money from winning.


they only give you enough money till your tama is a teen then when you get your music job you will get money

I have the same prob bit mines a toddler help
You feed it Baby Food, only the Teen, Adult and Senior need purchased food.


I use a item generator, which also the king sometimes gives me some Gotchi Points, usually 2000 GP's.

Item generator, you can use it for all items for the Music Star, including Destiny Star's.

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