How can I get Mametchi without making the Training Bar get higher?


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2012
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I have Kilalatchi right now on my Tama-Go.......but I have a feeling that I will get KuroMametchi again if I raise the Training Bar even higher! can anyone help me prevent this from happening so I will get Mametchi?

Well here is a growth chart for the Tama-Go.


According to that, Mametchi comes from good care. As Mametchi and KuroMametchi are at the same level of care, Its at random on what character you will get. I would just play games and overall give good care and hope that I would get Mametchi. Keep trying to get him :)


I got the growth chart from here. I do NOT claim it as my own. It remains its original owners.

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It's okay. Im glad that I could help you out. If you need anything else, PM me :)

Just out of intrest. How old is your Tamagotchi now? Make sure to tell me if you get MAmetchi or not. :)

it's now 2 years old. it's about to become three years old when it evolves. I paused it, so it might evolve at like 11:00.

Aww! Better luck next time. Never give up and just keep trying your best :L

You're lucky. I wish I could get KuroMametchi on my Tama-Go.

The best I get is Kikitchi.

But, I can see the desire for Mametchi.

Better luck next time!


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