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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Hi everybody. It's Tgd.

Lately, I've been getting tons of homework in school. I'm really starting to get stressed. Last night, while doing my homework, I broke out crying. o.o Last night I had: Spelling (tons of it, and while the class got 7 days I only got 2 days to work on it), math, important points for Anne Frank, important points for hieroglyphics, and a few other things. Tonight it's not as bad, but still. I have a comic strip to finish, a paragraph about hieroglyphics, studying for a math and spelling test and another thing. Also, the tests are coming more often and harder. I had an Anne Frank (a Jewish girl who was around when Hitler became leader of Germany) test last week, a math test not to long ago, a french test, and a whole bunch of title pages. Now, I'll be having a french test soon, and it's just too much....I feel so stressed out.

And in school, we're learning about Key Signatures in Music!?!?!?!? I do not understand it one bit. We were doing this worksheet on it today, and I just stared blankly at it for 10mins. I'm having alot of trouble, and I'm supposed to be the 'smart one'. -____- I don't feel that smart.

It's too much, and I'm too busy. Help!!


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I really know how you feel.

I missed alot of school lately. They called my house and my Dad is mad at me because I have Fs in alot of subjects. Then when i started to cry he's like "You shouldn't be crying. It's not that bad." and I thought Then why on Earth did you yell at me? but I didn't ask.

I feel low enough to run away right now... but after February 27th, the day we have our comprehension assesment tests, I'm home free. :]

Oh my gosh, TGD, don't worry.

It's called "TOO MUCH". I feel you're pain, because that happens to me every night. I get tests so much, it's daily, and the homework keeps getting bigger, and bigger....

But, their is a way to get out of the stess: Finding your personal bubble. When I get stressed out, and I feel like the homework's never gonna end, I just take a deep breath, and get a snack, or something, and think happy stuff. Just take a quick break, and get back on your feet again. It really helps me.

And, when you're in school, just take 5 deep breaths, and continue working.

Hope I helped!!


Thanks RG and Alimania. :eek:

I'm also having some troubles in math....the wording they use in the textbook confuses me, and when my math teacher talks all the words she saying sounds like a different language. I'm totally stressed, and the homework won't stop. This is what my teacher said to the class this morning:

"1/2 of the year is over already. Did it feel like that long? It seems like only yesterday you were lined up outside, waiting for your first day of grade 5. Well, now that 1/2 of the year is over, the pressure is on. I'm serious guys. You need to get ready for grade six. It's gonna get harder, or you're not going to be ready. The preessure's on."


Also, we're in the middle of speeches. v___v Great.....just great. Now I have to write up a speech, and memorize it. *sigh*

I'll try the 'personal bubble' thing if I get too stressed tonight. :(


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Aw, ouch, that's kinda harsh.

Well, just disregard your math teacher, and keep doing what you are still doing.

And, good luck with the personal bubble tonight! :eek:


I am like that also

except I am in grade 7

i have a lot of homework everyday

I find that listening to the music you like can be quite comforting

Or taking quick small breaks can calm you down.

it's what i do.

I know it seems hard,

but my 5th grade teacher was like that too.

Whether you believe it or not,

she/he is going to be probably the best teacher you have ever had.

In 6th grade, it's REALLY HARD.

She is just getting you ready for it.

If she didn't, then you would feel more confused and lost than normal.

And i don't think anyone feels like that.

So keep up the good worK!

Also, making a schedule might make it a little less stressful. You can see how much you already did and how much you have left to do.

I am also considered "the smart one" in my family.

My brother is horrible in school and I get all As

I feel as if they depend on me.

But in my opionion, there is no such thing as "being smart".

To me, "smart" is just effort and motivation.

Best of Luck,


I acnnot help with the homework as I'm not there. But I can help with key signatures! You know how to make a note sharp of flat right? If you do then just do that every time your key signature says that a flat or sharp goes on a certain line and you see the note that goes on that line.

i'm joining dis stress club :]

i felt so pathetic, i was so tired yesterday.

i had homework to do, martial arts to go to, huge (i mean MAJOR, like i fail i get killed!) piano test tomarro.

then after the test i got a viola solo that i sux at- not kool =:[

so i asked God to give me some peace of mind, and i got it!

very kool.

i'm ok now

prayers for stressie people!

You're lucky right now. Fifth grade was the best grade in my life! :D So you shouldn't be complaining (I'm not being mean alright I'm just telling you what I think) Just like love4tamas said, Sixth grade is hard! We don''t even get recess anymore because they wan't us to get ready for middle school. But I don't care about that. Look I have a famous hot temper what I do when I'm like that I just think of a song that I like and think of beating a person you hate. Bingo! Stress is lowered. For the key signatures, a flat lowers a note half a pitch and a sharp raises a note half a pitch higher. An accidental, is a key signature thrown in radomly. Today I had to write a final copy of an essay (it was due today) It was five paragraphs long. I'm already afraid for seventh grade. I'm afraid of all the homework I'm gonna get. :p Worse my teacher recomended me for accelerated classes. The horror! I have to do [SIZE=14pt]harder[/SIZE]things! B) Oh well that goes to show that you should just enjoy your last pleseant school year because it's just going to get anything but better.

bye from tamalight

oh, key signatures?

i have a whole test on such things as those tomarro


it kills

Hi everybody. It's Tgd.
Lately, I've been getting tons of homework in school. I'm really starting to get stressed. Last night, while doing my homework, I broke out crying. o.o Last night I had: Spelling (tons of it, and while the class got 7 days I only got 2 days to work on it), math, important points for Anne Frank, important points for hieroglyphics, and a few other things. Tonight it's not as bad, but still. I have a comic strip to finish, a paragraph about hieroglyphics, studying for a math and spelling test and another thing. Also, the tests are coming more often and harder. I had an Anne Frank (a Jewish girl who was around when Hitler became leader of Germany) test last week, a math test not to long ago, a french test, and a whole bunch of title pages. Now, I'll be having a french test soon, and it's just too much....I feel so stressed out.

And in school, we're learning about Key Signatures in Music!?!?!?!? I do not understand it one bit. We were doing this worksheet on it today, and I just stared blankly at it for 10mins. I'm having alot of trouble, and I'm supposed to be the 'smart one'. -____- I don't feel that smart.

It's too much, and I'm too busy. Help!!

wow me too. I guess for me it's because it's the end of 2nd quarter and there's a whole bunch of tests :) .

A week or so ago I was trying to find an artifact about ancient Egyptian medicine and found NOTHING I cried a bunch and asked my dad for help. I had to turn it in late and I have to find some more artifacts about job specialization and an entire project and essays on all the artifacts due Tuesday. I haven't even started on artifact #2! :( .

I just want you to know your not alone and you will get back on your feet sooner or later. Also, If you need help on those key signatures, I can help you! I know a lot about those.

You're lucky right now. Fifth grade was the best grade in my life! :( So you shouldn't be complaining (I'm not being mean alright I'm just telling you what I think) Just like love4tamas said, Sixth grade is hard! We don''t even get recess anymore because they wan't us to get ready for middle school. But I don't care about that. Look I have a famous hot temper what I do when I'm like that I just think of a song that I like and think of beating a person you hate. Bingo! Stress is lowered. For the key signatures, a flat lowers a note half a pitch and a sharp raises a note half a pitch higher. An accidental, is a key signature thrown in radomly. Today I had to write a final copy of an essay (it was due today) It was five paragraphs long. I'm already afraid for seventh grade. I'm afraid of all the homework I'm gonna get. :) Worse my teacher recomended me for accelerated classes. The horror! I have to do [SIZE=14pt]harder[/SIZE]things! :( Oh well that goes to show that you should just enjoy your last pleseant school year because it's just going to get anything but better.
bye from tamalight
7 is not that bad. 8 is worse. No more being lazy (ohhhh) and no more being slack with homework. I used to be really slack with homework! But honestly the maths isn't that hard. Some of the questions we had were ones like 7 x 6 and $3.45 - $1.85. That was easy! The school year has just started here, so it will get harder, and harder, and harder, and harder.......

7 is not that bad. 8 is worse. No more being lazy (ohhhh) and no more being slack with homework. I used to be really slack with homework! But honestly the maths isn't that hard. Some of the questions we had were ones like 7 x 6 and $3.45 - $1.85. That was easy! The school year has just started here, so it will get harder, and harder, and harder, and harder.......
wow, lucky.

i take algebra- sometimes not fun.


Thanks everybody. :(

I am still a little touchy with the key signatures (wait, thats a lie: I still don't understand it), but I'm finally starting to get the hang of math. :) It's just the 'explain your answer' thing that I hate. I had a Math Assessment/Test today and I think I did really well! I hope so, anyway.

Do you guys do formulas for math? We do, and it's kinda confusing though I understand it now. :(

example of a formula (formulas vary on the question):

P= 2(l+w)

= 2 (8+14)

= 2 (22)


It's pretty simple for me now, but depending on the shape and perimeter it can be rather confusing.

This weekend I feel no stress what-so-ever! I'm homework free except for reading and studying a few spelling words! :lol:


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