HolaGurrl's totally kewl V5 diary!


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Dec 16, 2008
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In the earth. lol.
[SIZE=14pt]Chello everyone! My name is HolaGurrl, and this is my diary of my brand new V5 tamagotchi! (The pattern is cookie dough! Yum! :eek: ) I just got it today, and they are already teens! Ha! I have an Ichigotchi; a Chamametchi; and a Mamekatchi! I know you are probably wanting some stats and wanting them to say some stuff, and they will, I promise. But, first thing I want to say before giving you the stats is, that if you have any questions to ask my tamas, just PM me, and they will be more than happy to answer them! [/SIZE]


So, here are their stats:


Hungryness:Full, *****


Blended Family?: Duh.

Generation: 1st.

Family Name: Block. (first thing that came to mind, a block of wood.)

Bonding level: 0% (What do you have to do to get them to bond?)

Points: $60

Gender: Girl (Ichigotchi); Girl (Chamametchi); and a Boy (Mamekatchi).




Now, for what you all have been waiting for, the tamas wanna say something!


Janey (Ichigotchi): Hey, What's going on everyone! I'm so bored! Nothing to do!


Sarah (Chamametchi): Ya, what she said. It get's really boring. I wish people would send some PMs asking questions for us to answer.


Andy (Mamekatchi): Agreed. It's fun messing with computers, though.


Janey: I agree with Sarah, not Andy. Andy, your extremly smart, and you were born to fix technology. Sarah and I were made for shopping!


Andy: Shopping is awesome. Joking, I don't mean that. I hate shopping, and HolaGurrl hates it too!


HolaGurrl: Uh-huh, Andy, your theory is soo wrong! I live for shopping!


Sarah: Ha Ha!


Janey: In your face Andy!


Sarah, Janey, and Andy: Bye everyone! We'll say some more stuff later! TTYL!

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