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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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Real story.

Hmm.. I got a ride home today. So, when I got home. I received a message from one of my friends at school about what happened when I wasn't there.. at the bus stop.

My friend told me about how my other friends(?) were talking about me, about how weird and QUOTE "gay" I am. And my friend QUOTE "Stood up for me"

What should I do or how should I approach them?

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Hmm.. approach your other friend and say, "Hey, I heard that you said some things about me at the bus stop involving me being quote weird and gay end quote. Is that true?" Just a suggestion.

You only have one friend's say so that you were being talked about at the bus stop. You also only have that friend's say so that s/he "stood up for you".

I'm just suggesting that you don't know for sure what was said about you, who said it and if your friend really did defend you - or join in.

How do you know it is not your friend who feels that you are being "weird and gay" but has tweaked the truth?

Let's face it, it is often easier to either join in or say nothing than defend someone.

I think the more important question is if you want it to become an issue and challenge your other friends about it.

Why approach them about it at all?

If they truly don't like you because you are "weird and gay" then they will probably start to distance themselves from you pretty soon anyway and in truth you probably won't want to hang onto friendships like that.

I would just act normally with them - same as always - "wait and see" for a few days.

If they have an issue with you, let them raise it. If they don't have an issue with it, why rock the boat and jeopardise friendships?

Confrontation might give you closure on the subject but in this case it could backfire on you too.

TamaMum, you took the words right out of my fingers! If its my opinion you want, during such a situation you might want to consider a few questions, one of them being: Is my friend trustworthy? Does he seem to be the type to stick through thick and thin through the end? And how about your other friends? Have you noticed any unusual patterns in their behavior around you lately? Never let go of your friendship unless you're absolutely certain of what's going on. Who knows? Maybe the whole thing was just a misunderstanding on your friend's part. I'm not sure I agree with Tama*Lover's idea either. If your friend (the first one) is the one spreading untruths, confronting your other friends could be the last thing you should do. After all, they might demand an explanation from your first friend and he might even pin the whole thing on you! Therefore, as TamaMum stated, just wait and see. Don't rush, there'll always be time for you test their real worth and by simply being patient, you'll see whether this friendship is one which should be kept or one that should be let go of.

My friend likes to tell those kinds of stories too. She'll be all "Oh, this person was talking about you and how you have such a huge attitude and stuff, but I defended you." For some reason, she seems hung up on my attitude. She once tried to tell me that when a teacher got both of us in trouble, it was because of me and how mean I am, not because of her. The teacher liked her, just not her hanging out with me. And you wouldn't believe how many people ask me why I'm friends with her. There are so many people that can't stand her that it's not even funny. I would tell her about it, but she'll get mad and call me a liar. Anyway, the fact of the matter is that she's way meaner than I am and she likes to tell stories about how she stands up for me on a regular basis.

I just ignore it, and I think you should too. Like TamaMum said, if they really think you're that "weird" they will probably stop hanging out with you anyway. There's no way to be sure of anything that happened since you weren't there. I'd wait it out a while if I were you.

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