Hiding at School


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New member
Feb 1, 2010
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United States
Hey, I have a way to keep your Tama safe at school. Of course have it on silent. If your teacher catches you with it and he/she asks what you're doing, just cover the word:"Tamagotchi connection" or wahtever is on it, change it to time mode, and say it's a keychain that has the time on it. If your teacher is mean, or you think they might take it, add: I'm really sorry it distracted me. It won't be a distraction anymore. and then change the subject and ask a question about what your teacher was talking about when he/she caught you. And if you don't have a question, make one up, even if you know the answer. Hope this helps! :angry:

This is a pretty good tip :p

I have tried things like this with my V5. Although I try not to play in school as much. It's still a great tip! :angry:

If Anyone Remembers me ,I used to be Hito7, but My account stopped working. For this forum, NEVER TAKE IT TO SCHOOL!

That's a nice tip. I doubt anybody really remembers me, I haven't commented in like 2-3 years but i do come on quite a bit. another idea might be to just put your tamas in your back pack, set them to sleep, and then play with them on the bus. Alot of you probably do that but i thought I might as well say it. Also, be careful with doin that to, because once at school there was a gas leak, and we had to leave the school and i couldn't grab them. It turned out it was a misunderstanding, but it was still pretty scary. :angry: I think I've said that before but still! HOPE I HELPED!!! :angry:

That is a good idea too, but my school doesn't allow them on the bus,and doesn,t allow toys and electronics,period!

That is a good idea too, but my school doesn't allow them on the bus,and doesn,t allow toys and electronics,period! SHOFFA BOFFIES!

Nice tip. ;D

I've almost had to do something like that. But my teacher turned away last minute. ^^

ok how to hide a tamagotchi during school

tip 1. during class put ur tamagotchi in the back pack and u chould play ur tama in side ur backpack and ur teacher will think that u are searching somthing for ur class

tip 2.when the teacher is bussy talking to some one elss play ur tama on the bottome of the table

tip 3.play it where there is no adult superviton becasue they chould tack it away

tip 4. when ur class is reading a book tack the book and put it closse to u and play it under the table and play it

tip 5. or play it in the bathroom

We already have a long running and active topic about exactly the same subject on this forum - it's right here: Keep your tamagotchi from the teachers

Please would you share any tips or tricks to keep your tama safe in that topic too?

We ask all our members to try to avoid making copies of the same topic. If we all use the same thread, it keeps all the useful and interesting info in one, easy to find place!

Many thanks! :ph34r:


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