Hi, want to talk?


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Posting these topic are NOT allowed in any of these forums.

This is for tamagotchi logs for people to log their progress with their tamagotchi's. I know you are new so okay. But dont post these topics again.


Sorry HorseGrl!

emmy's right.

The forums are not the place to start 'chatting' threads.

You can chat back and forth in private via the PM system - just check which of your friends is on line right now (see list at the bottom of the Tama Talk Home page).

Using Personal Mssgs keeps the forums free for Tama info and a wider audience - rather than personal one to one stuff, so I hope you will understand why I am closing this thread, with a request that you don't make any more like this.

You can also use TamaChat (the site's chat room) when it is open - usually only weekends - but unfortunately it is currently closed for repairs right now ....

Best, etc.


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