[SIZE=9pt]Hi Shauna16!hi im Shauna from CA.. newbie.. and id like to ask how much 1 tamagotchi cost!.. then i would like to have friends here.. thats all! thankz!!
hey thankz Jade! sure friends!! were you from?Hi Shauna one tamagotchi would probaly cost about 12:99 or 12:49 if you are looking for a Version 4 then try Argos they are selling them for 12:49.I hope i helped you so do you want to be friends or not?.
By the way if you want to find out about my Tamagotchi then click on the Link in my Sig
thankz for the info and welcome.. hehehe[SIZE=9pt]Hi Shauna16!Welcome To TamaTalk!
Have a good time here and enjoy the P.M. boxes. I'm Locky458! A tamagotchi costs about $15.00. I love Ichigotchi
, Masktchi
, and Gozarutchi
. [/SIZE]
thankz.. sure ill pm you soonWelcome! We know you will have lots of fun and find lots of friends on TamaTalk! I'll gladly be your friend! If you need any help, you can PM me.