hi i am new


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New member
Oct 2, 2006
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hi i am new

my name is jaci

i like pokemon a bit more than i like tamagotchis but i like tamagotchis all the same

these smileys r cool... :wacko:

welcome to tama talk! remember to follow the rules

and do not SPAM short pointless anoying messages

hope you have fun!! :wacko: :angry: :angry:

Check out the great forums. There are lots. Too many to list! Check out them all! :)

Welcome to TamaTalk. Remember to read the rules and Pinned topics. You don't yet have an avatar or signature - I'll PM you the instructions in a moment... :) You're right - smileys are cool! But remember, smiley-only posts are SPAM, so remember to write as well as use smileys :) .

StarTama :)

Welcome to TT! Here are some helpful links:

Character Chart- It really helps!


Search!- Often comes up with the wrong things, but it is useful sometimes.


Tamagotchi Accessories News- Tells you the newest items that go with your tama!


The TamaCHAT topic!- In that topic is a link to TamaCHAT. TamaCHAT is like a normal MSN or Yahoo! but it's completely secured in TamaTalk. Isn't that cool? You can meet really nice people there! (like me!) :)



Resource Setion- In this forum section only Admin and the Moderating Team can post. They post all kinds of goodies like sleeping times and character charts.

I hope you have fun here!



Hello there - welcome to tamatalk jellysun! :)

I hope you'll enjoy all of your visits.

Please read the rules and the pinned topics to help you understand a bit more about tamatalk.

If you have any questions then don't be shy to send me a PM. ;)

-sk8er girl-

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