Hi Everyone Mother of three here


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Jan 24, 2008
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Hi everyone!

Im a mom of three and I just purchased a tama for my oldest daughter who is now 12. I kind of took over her tama since she doesnt really take care of it. I am just curious to see how to care for a v4.5 tama.

There are lots of great resources on TamaTalk to help you care for your Tama. Check out the various sections like 'tips and tricks' and 'help for new tamagotchi owners'. And of course, if you can't find the answer, ASK! People here are always looking to help out. :wacko:

Welcome! Give in and buy one for yourself, that's what I did once my daughter had one. It's fun to have them interact! I'm hooked now.

This site has lots of great advice and a good search engine too!

Take care.

...A :wacko:

There are lots of great resources on TamaTalk to help you care for your Tama. Check out the various sections like 'tips and tricks' and 'help for new tamagotchi owners'. And of course, if you can't find the answer, ASK! People here are always looking to help out. :wacko:
Thank you I will do just that! :)

Welcome! Give in and buy one for yourself, that's what I did once my daughter had one. It's fun to have them interact! I'm hooked now.
This site has lots of great advice and a good search engine too!

Take care.

...A :wacko:
I really want to get one but my husband is like "you took over your daughters you dont need one!" So sad. lol

well i think that this is a great site for info and play for tamagotchi music tv fans across the world

Heh, I started out getting a Tamagotchi for a kid in my life. I got one for myself too just to see what the big deal was.

It is now 10 years later and I have one of the biggest collections in the world. I had no idea I would be collecting these little things. :wacko:

My site is: Tamenagerie if you want to take a look. I hear people can spend a lot of time there just looking at all the different ones. I find it easier to jump there than to look through my stuff. :)

Long story short, Tamagotchis and virtual pets are for everyone. Enjoy and it's ok. *giggles*

I am a mother too, but I only have 1 son and he is 1 year old hehe

My mother bought me one for christmas because she was worried that my 10 year old sister would not like it because it wasnt the "littlest pet shop" virtual pet thing that she wanted, so I showed her mine (acting like I had already owned it for a while) and she thought it was cool because her sissy had one. Then, my husband saw them on sale later that week and bought me another one since I already had one. So they are for everyone of all ages and they are quite fun :wacko:

Welcome to Tamatalk!
