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heart of stone87

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2007
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hi guys i it's 2nd generation i have a boy named jack he is a (y) mametchi although i never pause them (lol) you are allowed to post in here=) B) ok first my little jack i named him jack because it's my realy name) was sick with a skull ^_^ so i cured him i played heaps of games with him he is 99 pounds! lol these are his stats




i reckon his stats are realy high for a baby=) anyway he went to sleep (thank goodness lol) and so i went to steel a cookie(hey i gotta eat too u know!) then when he woke up he cried probably 'cause i didn't give him a cookie lol and i cheered him up later on he evolved into harutchi no i wanted a puchitchi! and he got a mail it sent him off to pre-school he got angry at the teacher becuase he fell down lol and he got another mail witch was the star he got 3 money icons 3 that man icon and 3 heart icons yer!!!! il post more today

ok guy's since i did my log a little late im going to star it all on one day i can remember ok here we go and remember please post i do not mind.

ok harutchi got a mail from the king it was a fishing pole i used it and got 1200 points=).later on jack turned into a (y) mametchi!!!!

these are his stats

intelectual 63

fashion/style 54

kindess 61

i realy want to make his intelectual ponts the highest so i can get mametchi=)

anyway here jack he wants to talk too you guys (Lol)

jack:hey guys jack here im a young mametchi and when i grow up i wanna be a biw stwong mametchi yay!!!!!! cya

ok guys young mametchi a.k.a jack is tired il post tommorrow and he got a few more mails cya!

hey again guys jack is now 2 yrs old he got a few mails including one from the king and some other star thingys here are his stats



:intelectual points76

:style points 56

kindness points:76

character: young mametchi

training 8/9

HERES JACK he just had a bath he's talking too you guys naked lol! put some clothes on

! jack: hey guys it me jack!!!!! hi my so called "owner" gave me a bath and im naked naked i tell y....*jack drowns poor defenceless mametchi into bath*

thats enough from him i'll post tommorrow!!!!

jack:you #$#$#%!@%&

:) sup guys it me yoyoyo jack apolgises for sweaing on the last page don't jack

jack: go #$#$#%$#

jack don't let me hear you use that language!!! anyway jack is 3 years old he's going to evolve into a mametchi im sure of it anyway these are his stats




he got a few mails and stuff wait he's evoloving right now right now as im typing into a *faint* oh no a minotchi jokes its a mametchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my first one w00-h00

jack:now see what i do for you? and what do i get in return nothing

awesome i got a mametchi i'll post back cyas

[SIZE=14pt] LOL! hey, :( cool log! B) i enjoy reading it! :D :( :D i hope Jack doesn't swear as much from now on! LOL! and congratulations on getting your first Mametchi! :D i had a Mametchi but it turned into a Tensaitchi! :D :) :p [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt] Keep up your great work on your log! ;) [/SIZE]

thank's nick lol i taught jack a lesson he will not swear because he's too busy trying to be a tensaichi i will continue my log this afternoon

ok guy's jack has had a good day i just got back from watching spiderman 3 boy was it a good movie i like venom......anyway jack got 2 letters from the king (they were fishing pole and cash 4300) and he got a ! in the mail he got offered a job i chose the fire brigade one they accepted him=) i'm not very good at the job but it sure it fun and jack is evolving!! right now yes i got a tensaitchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00h00 yeah!!!!! anyway these are jack's stats yes!



intelectual points 451

style point's:123

kindness point's:234

job:fre brigade

:character (secret) tensaitchi

i played mostly shape ,mimic andjump rope

heres jack

jack:hi ya'l im talkin likes a nerd's 'couse aim a tensiatchi so im's a nerd=( i have lostern my swearing words=(oor have i#@$^$#%

hey guy's mametchi is still the same i just got home from school and mametchi was sick but he had no skull (that was lucky) and not very hungry and got 2 mail's a robber and a fortune cookie thing he's stat's in the mail were heart 2 , point's 2,runninh man 1

these are his stat's

age 5

stats full hunger full happines full


job:fire brigade


here's jack *sigh* he want's to talk too you guy's lol

jack:hey guy's my owner hate's me he never pauses me!!!!!! :sad:

ok guy's i'll post tommorrow cya

ok guy's my tama got 1 mail when i came home from school only 1=( is mail random anyway? and heres jack i don't feel veryy well so i can't type alot soz

jack:hi guy's cya tommorrow dese r my stats



fashion 340

hey again guy's B) heres what happened today my tensaitchi

got married at 6 :D :) and he got another boy 3 boy's in a row darn it! anyway he only got 2 mails both star's jack's things are now


running man:1


i love tamagotchi's im thinking of getting a morino and another v2 B) my dad is going to get me a tamagotchi v4.5 as soon as it comes out=) here are jack's stats


:type:tensaitchi (with baby tsubitchi)



job:fire brigade

heres jack he want's to talk to you guy's

jack:hey guy's :p :D i love being a tensaitchy and i hope you guy's enjoy this log and guy's please remember reply to my owner jack i would love to fill this log with reply's!!!!

hey again guy's and gal's jack 's just been paused while i was at school and so didn't realy so mutch.... anyway i love my tama v4 and here are jack stat's=)


character:tensaitchy (with baby tsubitchi)





i'll be back guy's im just going on tamatown cya

sorry for not posting, jack's baby went away and is now a teenager it's a young androtchi but last night when i set the time to 11.59am it just went to 00.00am ,wierd ^_^ i called young andortichi dave he is 1 year old:d these aee his stats




he got mail at 9.03 here's dave:

dave:yo,im a little baby young androtchi and when i grow up i want to be a big strong androtchi yay!!! :p

cya tamalovers!!!!


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