Hey * waves *


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Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Tamatalkers. I'm Vegetaei . My real name is Marina, but just call me by my username, ok? My favorite color is purple , I like playing with my Vmigo, and my birthday is February 29. I'm a leapyear child ^^; ( my birthday only comes every four years ).

I hope I can make friends on this site! I haven't been on a forum since Tamavillage got shut down * stares to the ground * Oh! and I also like RPG. So .. kk. Bye.

Hi! I'm Bunny_grl07, but you can call me bunny!

and this is a great place to RP! If you need anything, feel free to contact a guide, or pm me if you want!

I hope you have a lot of fun on this site!

Oh, and I'm sure you'll make a lot of friends!

Bye bye!


Thanks a lot , Bunny ^^ ! Looks like you've been on this site for a long time ^^; . I don't know any of the guides so i'll P.M you if I have any inquires . * Waves *

Really!? Yea , I know two people who are leap child. But one is older than me and one is younger x]


My friend's name is Marina and her birthday is in February too. Maybe you're her. Freaky...

Anyway welcome to TT! Hope you like it here

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Hello and welcome to Tamatalk! If you like RPG, you can always go to "Non Tamatalk" located close to the bottom of the site, and talk about it there!

*Waves back enthusiastically* It's great to meet you! I'm sure you'll be making plenty of friends here! Enjoy your stay! :)
