I hope you enjoy yourself here... it is pretty easy to find your way around the site - just click the links! The topics pinned in bold at the top of each forum are quite useful, so it is probably worth taking time to read thru' them...
If you have any questions or problems, there are lots of friendly members who will help you out :kusatchi:
And don't forget that all members are welcome to post a link to their own sites in their signature messages (but not in new topics or by flooding the PM system... )
Hi, I am daniwigg,PM me if you need any help. Please don't PM people about your site. It will flood up the PM system. You can put it in your sigature though. Thanks.
Welcome to Tama Talk! I hope you have a great time here and stay long!
You can have fun, but follow the rules.
I f you have have Qs, ask away! There are always members or guides who are happy to help you! Also, try to contact a guide or Admin about problems or suggestions.
On other notes, Welcome to TT! You can be my frend if you dont have any. Just PM me!