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New member
Jan 20, 2007
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Dose any body know when you get a travel ticket? Or when you can get to go to the king? PLEASE I AM DESPARATE!!!!


please PM me I love to get PM`s

You can already get travel tickets, but the travel agency is not yet open.

Ways to get reavel tickets:

1: Wait for one to pop up in the shop

2: Wait for the king to give you one

Donating to the king is also possible, but his palace is sadly not open yet, so I would suggest holding back until it does. Same with travel ticket, hold back using it until the travel agency opens.

The king gives you visits if you give him cash give him these amounts in three parts


2)15,000 (I could be wrong about this one)

3)30,000 (I am unsure on how to do this one in less than 4 parts)

Then give one more gotchipoint and you wil be gven a "pc" code (grrr... haven't they heard of macs? Mine's a mac)

Enter the code and the visit will be yours! this works for V3's, I don't know about V4's :blink:

This info is for the V4

There is no point in donating Gotchi Ponts to the King yet - because his palace is closed on the V4 TamaTown

You can buy tickets from your V4 shop, but there is no point in using them to travel anywhere yet - because the travel agency is closed on the V4 TamaTown

Start donating points when the Kings Palace opens and use your tickets when the Travel Agency opens for business on V4 TamaTown.

(No, we don't know when they are going to open and we don't know how long we are going to have to wait, and we know it's not fair, but we're just going to have to be patient ... LOL :blink: :) :( )

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