Good link! I read it right the way through and it was very detailed. I still don't want to debug my tama, though! Is there a way to erase the debugging, like if you debugged it and then you want to go back to how it was normally?There is one way- debugging, but it is dangerous and could break your tama, -and you also can't enter shop codes or passwords. *Debug at your own risk!!!*Now, you know the effect, now, you need to know how to do it. . I've told you the down side to debugging, but there are some good things too!
~ You can speed up the growth process!
~ You can choose your characters!
I found a link with good information on debugging- click here to see it!
I know ! I know ! I know ! I know ! You just change the date and time to the exact date and time your tama was born !Is There A Faster Way For The V3's To Grow Up??