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Have Fun there^^ and...if you've got questions, pm me *.*

Welcome to Tamatalk! I hope you have lots of fun here.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. ;)

:mimitchi: I find it funny when people say "Feel free to PM me, if you have any questions" :D I don't know why it just sounds really strange (even though I say it :p )! But anyway, down to the point :)

Welcome to Tamatalk (go go go tamatalk...go go go tamatalk...go go) and I hope your time here is wonderful (but if you do decide to leave drop a not in the departure section and tell us all). :D Feel free to PM me if you got any questions what-so-ever about life, tamatalk, or tamagotchis :D I'd like to be your friend so give me a PM (personal message) if you get the chance. Ok? Good! Now go and have some Tamagotchi fun!

Tamatalk=where the fun begins!!! :nyatchi:

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