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Active member
Jul 21, 2010
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Hey! this is my new brand log!(what the heck is new brand? i meant to say brand new!)So...right now i am in china but in a few hours im gonna be in california(a few hours! more like half a day)but going to california means...tama-go time!!!!!*happy attack*


im back!!! so this is a list of tamas i have!!!!!






tama-go=about to get one!!!!!!!!


*happy attack*


sorry for the happy attack! i have it every time i think about getting a tama-go!


*happy attack*


im back!again...sorry!!!!again....


hmm..... lets see if my v6 tama still has the tinyest battery in it when you press the reset button!




yes it does!!!!!!!!eeek!


let me take a pic of you abbie!


hello mommy! i thought i would never see you again!!!!!!!!!!


well let me take a pic of you and post it on the internet!






glad i took it before the whole battery went out! :) :furawatchi:


dang.... how do you post photos onto this post??? weird.... you cant just press paste.0.o


o well.... i guess i will post when i am back to california since i do not know how to do it....byebye!!!

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wow! its been 1 hour and 25 minutes and only 10 views??? sucky...but its night in usa right now! no wonder!! :eek: :eek: :) :D

lolz :D

eek!!! 2 more hours and then my family in china is taking me and my mom to the airport and then at 9:30 the plane will take off! eek!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

*happy attack*

sorry for the soooo many happy attacks... :rolleyes: so... i still havent found out how to put pictures!!!! I've asked binary cuz in her log she posted pictures!!! its a tama-go log! and this will be one soon too!!!eek!!!!!!!

*happy attack* :D :D :D

wheehee! that was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)


mom-go and take a bath!!!

me-but i want to post.


me-fine! bye bye tt!!!!

im in california right now but i cant get over the time change so i am really bored....grr!!!!roar!!!!!!!meow!!!!ruff!!!!!! well today im getting a tama-go! eeek!!!!

*happy attack*

you know what? maybe i should get back to sleep.


hey hey guys!!!! good morning tamatalk! *yawns*

im getting a tama-go today!!!!

*happy attack*

:ph34r: sorry.....

so...this morning i woke up and nothing happened cuz i have no tamas that have batts!!!!!ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*crazy attack*

hummmmphhh... i never heard of a "crazy attack" before.....well i just had one!, so i guess there has to be such thing... ;)

i will log when i get the tama-go!!!!

*happy attack*

guess what??? wrong. i didnt get the tama-go but i did get fanmail!!!!!

*happy attack*

:ph34r: i thought i only got happy attacks when i think bout getting the tama-go?

*ahpyp tackta*

mkay??? what in the world is ahpyp tackta??? anyways..... heres the fanmail!!!

Hey! I was reading your log and it is very good. To post pictures on your log you will have to upload them to an image hosting site and link them. I don't know how else to do it, sorry.
thanks Jayny!!! Your the best and this is my first ever in the world fanmail!!!yapee!!!!!!

*overwhelmed attack*

wow! another new attack! bye bye!!!!!!!1 ;)

*super sad attack*

there was no tama-go at target....*sniffle*

but my dad is getting me one on amazon!

*happy attack*

yay!!! i love my dad! well... im currently debating over the colors so.... please pm me bout which color i should get! thx!

ps i already have 41 views!!! yapee!!!!!!!thx guys!

thx but burntsnow, you are not supposed to post in other people's log and if you want to tell me something bout the log... just PM me. mkay?

*happy attack*

eek! i know which color im getting!!! the.. the.. the.. the.. the.. blue one!!!! i really like it even though the memetchi sorta creeps me out sometimes but its alright! now just gotta call my dad over and make him pay! well gotta go! bibi

okay... so burntsnow said something bought he buying his tama on amazon and it came broken so i figured i wont buy it on amazon and i will go to my local toys r us this saturday...hoping they have it. if not i will just buy it at there website!

*happy attack*

:p man... maybe i even might win the free tama-go contest but i doubt it.

*curious attack*

:) another one? jeez... well i am going to music city! bye!!!!!!

*happy attack*

eek!!!! my dad just bought me a tama-go on toys r us!!! eek!

*happy attack*

so happy! its coming round august 5th to august 9th!

*happy attack*

well... school started today and it was the best! would it be surprising to tell you that im in 6th grade now? my friends think im weird for playing tamagotchi at this age, but who cares? its my life, my decisions!

anyhoo... i cant wait for it to come! i still havent got batteries for my 4 other tamas. :huh: wow. i just love tamas!

*love attack*

im back but ive gotta go! get ready for school tamorrow! :angry: :ph34r: :lol:

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woowhoo!!!!!!!!!! 78 biews!(what the heck is biews? its views! typo...)

thanks guys! you rock! :( :D :D B) B) B) :huh: :angry: :ph34r: :lol:

hey ppls!

*happy attack*

guess what??? guess what???

my tama-go is coming on either monday or tuesday! eek!!

*happy attack*

^_^just so happy! :D

well anyways... thanks for the views! there's already 95! thank you! thank! thank you very much! anyways.... i hafta go eat! bye bye!

*happy attack*

102 views! oh my gosh! thanks guys! thanks for reading even when i dont have a tama to play with yet!


*happy attack*

my tama-go is coming! coming!coming! COMING! im so happy! oops! got ta eat breakfast!

OMG! a delivery guy just came! eeek!!!!!!!!!!!!*happy attack*

opens door...

get package and opens it.

hey! this is not my tama-go...its my dads new phone!!!!

*disapointed attack*

jeez. and he order after me! :p

im back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(from nowhere apparently)

*happy attack*


my tama go got here( a long time ago)

and its a mattaratchi! i looks like a jackolatern!!!

mattaratchi-hey i heard that mom! and im no jackolatern!!!!!!

me-sorry hun, but you do so live with it!

back to my log when we were rudely interrupted.....

mattaratchi-i heard that tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

me-oh well just shut ur door then!

mattaratchi-but i cant!its too heavy

me-goes up to the door-slam!- there you go!

sorry....again....and well he already has 3 training points on the first few minutes of being a toddler! i want him to be an oldie so that i can marry it to another one and see what happens!!!!!! i want a miss perfect! she always goes like ohoh! so funny............*laughing attack*

omg! another attack! i may want to be a docter when i grow up!!!!!!

mattaratchi-yea rite! you cant even cut a piece of bread with out my help!

me-really then how do i make your lunch when you are sleeping?


me-oh so your calling me a machine now!

mattaratchi- im sorry mommy, i wont do it again

me-good. now lets tuck you in so you can go to sleep

mattaratchi-ok mommy-yawns, snores-

me- good boy

one naughty son huh?

well ill be back!

( maybe in a hundred years or so....)
