Have you ever had a dream


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2007
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I had a dream last night that I REALLY wished was reality. It was this whole big thing that I was Nick Jonas' age (he's really three years older than me....) and we met at this party that somebody in my class was throwing. It was a pool party but me and Nick didn't have swimsuits so we jumped in our clothes. His brothers, Kevin and Joe Jonas were hanging wit my friends who were suddenly their ages, and they all jumped in together. So me and Nick hung out for the whole party, but then I went home. I realized I didn't get his phone number, and I asked everybody if they were still at the party (by texting) or if they knew his number. EVerybody said no and I knew I wouldn't see Nick for a while. But I did remember seeing them all the time at my friend's house, and I was thinking about going over...

Then my mom woke me up. :huh: But it really stunk because I really wish that it was real. Seriously, in the past three nights, I've had two Jonas Brothers dreams...I really want to meet Nick and I was thinking about saving up for tickets or backstage passes to a concert.

This is a bit off topic but I have a few questions:

1. How much are tickets?

2. How much are backstage passes?

3. Can I buy a backstage pass without buying tickets?

So have you had any dreams that you REEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAALLY wished was reality? I've had a few others but I dont remember how they went down...

Umm yes. And it's quite childish what I dreamt. Like I dreamt I could fly and I so wanted it to come true. But last nights dream was weird. It was a list of why I couldn't go to school and I was telling my mum. So then she came and woke me up and I said "I can't go to school, remember the list?" She just stared at me then walked out. Lol.

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Yeah. Though many of my dreams are school dreams or random stuff like a tribal woman turning into a furry watermelon so I don't really care to have those IRL. :huh:

Though today I had a school dream where a friend gave me this huge hunk of caramel filled chocolate. Then my mom woke me up. I couldn't even enjoy it. D:

So many dreams I have are great and I wish they could be real.

I also had a dream about flying, several of them each week. Other times it's that I'm on rollercoasters. Sometimes I'm in a TV show, others I'm just being myself around my friends.

Right now I wish dreams were real...

I had a dream where I was best friends with an actor named Jamie Campbell Bower

and we were the same age,

but then Marilyn Manson came in and he was my older brother

and he got my older brother in real life and they beat Jamie...

I wish I was related to Manson X^D or best friends with Jamie, either one.

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Yes. I met the Jonas Brothers in many of my dreams. *Sigh* That would be so cool. ^^

ive had so many weird dreams in my life!!!!!!!!!!!

here are some i wish were real.........

i met the jo bros....like everyone else said in this topic...

this one is werid....

i found a treasure chest filled with gold jewerly and i got my ears pierced


another time i had a creepy dream when i was younger...(i definitly DONT want to to be real)

OK here goes.....

i had a dream that i was a CHICKEN being chased by COOKIE MONSTER on the HIGHWAY

i had a red rubber glove for the thingy on the head....



Yes -sigh-

I dreamt once that I was able to fly, and flew to see my real family in China. :D

The weirdest dream that I've ever had was that I got a new puppy named "Mittens". I was playing with Mittens in my yard and then a cow came and ate poor Mittens.

I have a messed up, twisted mind, I know xDD

I had many dreams That i wish could be real :[.. *sigh*

I also dreamt I could fly away from my life problems and it was soo fun, then when I woke up I am like.. oo mann >_<

Also other things I wish would of came true :[

Thanks for sharing guys.

Does anybody have answers to the questions I posted?

Ya once I had this dream that was so realistic (all I remember about it was that it included Josh Hutcherson) I wasn't sure if it had actually happened in real life or not. So I was like, asking my mom questions, but trying not to sounds suspicious because I didn't want to explain my dream to her.

Yes...yes I have.

Anyways, here some the answers to your questions:

1) I don't know how much JoBros tickets costs, but if you check ticketmaster, they're probably about/around $30

2) No you can not buy backstage passes, to any show really. People usually get them by knowing someone who's a roadie or a crew member of the venue that they are playing. But sometimes they sell them online. Um...you might be able to wait outside their tourbus...

Every night I dream of the Jonas Brothers. But this one dream I had a few nights ago.....oh wow...it was just the best.

I was walking through an open field, Joe Jonas holding my hand. He looked over at me and smiled warmly. Then he brought me to a concert. He picked me to go on stage, so I did. Once I was there, he began singing "Please Be Mine" to me. I started to cry and hugged him tightly. Once he was done singing, he kissed me. It was a long, passionate kiss. Then he released, and we weren't in the concert anymore. We were back at the park. He looked at me with sparkling eyes, then said, "One day I'll tell you. One day."

Then the dream ended. :angry: When I woke up, I started to cry.

Not many. Most of the dreams I have, if I do have a dream that I can actually remember, are nightmares.

So no, I do not wish for my dreams about a homocidal clown or being kidnapped by an old senile couple and held hostage in my apartment to come true. No thanks.

I've had a few good dreams, but I can't remember most of them very well.

I hate when that happens. You have such a great dream but when you wake up you start to cry.

That sounds like a really good dream Tamagirl. It also sounded like it said something....

I have actually had dreams that are like, what would happen in real life, and then the next morning or something, what I dreamt, happened.

Every night I dream of the Jonas Brothers. But this one dream I had a few nights ago.....oh wow...it was just the best.
I was walking through an open field, Joe Jonas holding my hand. He looked over at me and smiled warmly. Then he brought me to a concert. He picked me to go on stage, so I did. Once I was there, he began singing "Please Be Mine" to me. I started to cry and hugged him tightly. Once he was done singing, he kissed me. It was a long, passionate kiss. Then he released, and we weren't in the concert anymore. We were back at the park. He looked at me with sparkling eyes, then said, "One day I'll tell you. One day."

Then the dream ended. :angry: When I woke up, I started to cry.
Maybe your dreams are trying to tell you something. I would have cried to after all that! But yes I have had dreams where I wished they were real, Many of the Jonas Brothers.

It just seems to real and I want to beileve it. But once I actually beileve its real it all slips away from me and I wake up with a jolt. It sucks.

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You know how Joe Jonas is the middle child? I had a dream a few nights ago (yes this was one of the 2 dreams I mentioned earlier that I had in three nights) that I met him and NIck and Kevin. But then, like, their manager came up (there were two other girls) and seperated one girl with one brother. I was with Joe (i really wanted to be with Nick though) and we went into this room. I sat on this couch and he sat on this chair in front of me and we just talked. It was awesome.

But then I realized something....we're both middle childs! But he's like, 6 years older than me!!! *squee* LOL.

Off Topic-I Just talked to my mom about going to a Jonas brothers concert. She said if I buy my own ticket and I go with an adult (this will be the first concert I've ever gone too) MAYBE I can go!!!! YAY!

Well, what would it mean? It felt like it had a message to it, but I can't work out what it is.

And yeah...I hate how you finally believe it's all real, and then you wake up. When that special dream ended, and I woke up, I cried so hard. Both bbecause of the amazing dream and because it didn't really happen.

Yeah, that's happened to me.

It was the dream where I died. I don't know how I died in my dream; I was inside my body, leaving it. The best dream ever.

Oh god YES! I had a dream a few weeks ago that I met Daron Malakian in person and me and him started dating. After about 3 weeks he asked me to marry him. Since I was in love with him before we started dating, I said yes. We got married and had kids. And had lots of sex too and made out alot. When I woke up I cried. That was the best dream I had ever had. If I could have a wish I would wish for 3 wishes (if I could) and wish for that to be true. Plus naturally straight hair and a thicker body =) But my #1 wish is for that dream to be reality.

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