Have you ever been like, sexually asaulted?


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
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Austin, Texas
There was this one time but i took care of him.........

i have been FREAKING SEXUALY ASSULTED by 8yr olds. when i was around 8 i was at my dad's friends house when their son who was my age pulled me into a closet and announced his love for me. how cute. except for the part where he tried to MAKE OUT with me HE ACTUALLY STUCK HIS STUPID TONGUE IN MY MOUTH which earned him a slap so hard he hit his head on the other side of the closet which of course made him cry but he didnt tell his mom cause if she learned what HE did he would be grounded for life. me being the wonderful person i am didnt tell his mom either but as a precaution i proceed to slap him however hard i feel like whenever he gets within 3ft of me. there have been many other times like that, but if i told you all of them it would take too long.

That reminds me of when a mean emo guy named Jake wrote all over MY permission slip AND it said ___tent with someones name i didn't really know...>.< I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! But i'll get my revenge...

I dont know if anyone will actually reply to this topic who has really been raped because it is a very traumatic experience an everyone handles it differently, but I have noticed that most dont really want to talk about it.

When I was 12 or 13 I was at a "friends" house and we were upstairs and he had been drinking, he tried to force himself on me, I refused, pushed him off numerous times over and over again, finally got away and ran to Joey's house down the road (yes, I know, same name as my son) and he went after the guy for me. I cant remember the guys name, I think it was like Zack or something. Well, needless to say, after you get the living daylights beat out of you, you dont try that crud again.

Um, if you can call three ten year old boys walking up to a four year old me with that plastic lining they use in landscaping which really hurts and hitting me with it until they felt the wrath of my Grandmother upon them sexual assaulting, I guess so. o_o Other than that, nope.

No I haven't, but me friend has and she is emotionally scarred :furawatchi:

It's a terrible thing...assault. Whether it's physical, emotional, mental, or sexual, it's bound to leave someone hurt and scared.

You don't hear about it that much, but it goes on ALL the time. There might even be someone you know who has been a victim of it, but is too scared to tell. :huh:

Assault should be banished. Period.


I hate to sound like a petty case, but I'm really sorry for you Sweet Kandi. From the times I've talked to you, it seems you've had a all-the-way-around hard life.


I've been sexually assualted by my brother's friends/roommates a few times. Most of the time-it's just when they're drunk and don't know what they're doing. It's never been anything close to rape. Just hands in odd places and well, I'd prefer not to say. >.> :)

well theres this one guy at my school "jordan" who is apperentlly the "hottest guy in school" and he hinks he cant get any girl in the world and hes really ignorand and stuff. (i hate him) so we were at ruby's diner and he brought me out side and tried to make out with me without even saying anything and he like..erm...grabbed me and stuff and i was kicking and screaming and finally i kicked him in a place were he wouldnt want to be kicked and i threw my smoothie in his face... sooooo yeah.

No but I get scared walking home by myself

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Not physically. In 10th grade I was a victim of verbal sexual harassment. This guy in my history class kept making extremely inappropriate comments and threatened to do stuff with me, but fortunately I handled it before he actually got physical. I don't know if that counts, but it was definitely sexual harassment; those were the guidelines on which the kid was suspended.

this one guy touched this girls but,

and he is in juvi now


all boys had to have a meeting about "how to act around girls"


[SIZE=7pt]Phobo, I honestly don't think that what this boy did was a sexual assault.[/SIZE]

This is just my opinion, but I personally just think that's kissing somebody unexpectedly and unwanted.

I'm so embarrased to admit that, it's true, I have been once.

I was ten, and this guy, my close friend, had a little crush on me.

I didn't feel the same way.

We were hanging out in my basement, playing air hockey.

All of a sudden, he's like, "You should lift your shirt!", and he tries himself. :eek:

And then he kisses me. Blegh.

So gross, I don't want to think about it anymore. :(

I don't know if that's abuse, but it's something that I HOPEFULLY won't go through again.

Not exactly.

But when my uncle and his girlfriend stayed with us, she happened to bring along her mother and child molester of a brother. They lived with us for a few months.

We only found out about him after he left, and a cop came by our apartment. >_>

Come to find out, after they moved, he asked two girls around my age to play "Truth or Dare", and dared one to take her shirt off.

He was sent to court, but got off for being "mentally unstable" (aka, 27 years old, lived with his mother, couldn't drive, sucked his thumb and still wet the bed on occasion).

The sad part is I'm pretty sure he's still allowed around my cousin, Alexa, who is only about four or five years old now.

He never got near me, though, so no.

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I think I have.

There was this idiot this year. I don't know why the heck he's so stupid...but after numerous times of him trying to ask me out (including getting his friends to harass me to try and change my mind), he started doing extremely stupid things.

First, he tried getting close to me like an idiot. Then, he tried to carry my books like an idiot. Then, my prediction came true. He told me he "loved" me like an idiot.

So then, I hit my head with my locker door on purpose (quite funny, ask my friend), then I told my mom before he tried to rape me like an idiot.

So, he was a true idiot, even after all that growling at him and serious rejection. Plus, he was reported for bullying.

Finally he's leaving me alone.

But still, bleep him. I hate him.

So if you consider that being assaultment, then yeah.

(Sorry, I'm not great with vocab.)

Sexual assault is being touched or interacted with in a sexual way that is not desired or against your will.

No, I have not been sexually assaulted, nor do I ever predict to be in the future.

Sexual assault is being touched or interacted with in a sexual way that is not desired or against your will.
No, I have not been sexually assaulted, nor do I ever predict to be in the future.
Lucky, I have been unfortunately. >.> Not once. TWICE! Sickos in today's society.

One: Some 15 year old (I WAS 11!! x.x) on a bike was behind me just staring. IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE! I got up, and he poked his finger in my *cough*butt*cough* and I wanted to swear in his face SO bad. But I was too much in shock. He even winked at me and rode off. And it just so happens, after he left, my friend came back outside and said, "I'm back!" >_>

I told her what happened just ONE minute after she left. Never told my parents.

Two: This one NEVER got away with it. Mwahahaha. > :blink: I explained it in an old topic. Not bringing it up again.

Three (dunno if it counts): Two OLD dudes on a motorcycle winked at me and drove off. I happened to be wearing my grade 6 hoodie on that said 2006 (It was 2008. They can't read. XD) and I just twitched and went inside. I was creeped out but laughing because they thought I was Grade 6.


No, but the idea disgusts me and I've become easily scared. Not sexual assault, but on A school field trip to the beach, I wandered off by myself. I was really creeped when an older man (late 40's-50's) stopped and started looking me up and down with a nasty look on his face. I freaked and ran to find my class..

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