Hatching two new eggs today!


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The Collector

Active member
May 14, 2022
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Got two Tamagotchi Connections (EDIT: I should probably add, I have had these devices for many years, AT LEAST 5 or 6, just never got around to playing with them) tossed some brand new batteries in them and I'm going to see what becomes of these two. So far I've hatched a boy, lovingly named "Digga" (And YES, I get the connotations, but I named him this because boys are black when they hatch out of their eggs, and it looked like he had just been digging a hole-- GET your minds out of the gutter, please). Anyway, setting up the second connection now and keeping fingers crossed for a girl so they can possibly breed when fully grown. Today's my last day off this week (besides Friday, though I may get called in then as well, only time will tell) so I am having my fun with them today and will keep all those who are interested updated along the way.

IF I end up hatching a girl from the second egg, I plan on naming her "Sarah", after my lovely girlfriend. AS I was typing this, she hatched out as a GIRL! Yay! Welcome to the World, Sarah!<3

Anyway, I've attached a picture, and will attach more as their progress comes along. Going to play some games with8 them once they're nice and full, and hopefully by the end of the day I will get to see which variants I will end up from each of them. I always try to take the utmost care of my Tamas (Healing them when sick, feeding them when hungry, and playing with them when they're bored... However, even the most hardcore Tamagotchi owners know that mistakes happen. For example, it's been quite some time since I played with ANY form of Tamagotchi, and I failed on my first attempt at jump rope with Sarah. Practice DOES make perfect though!


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Well, I managed to win a game of "Get" with Digga amd he is now happily taking a nap. I'm not doing so well with Sarah and her Jump Rope game, but the more we play the better at it we get. I've always been good with The Get game anyway, not so much with Jump Rope, so hopefully this will give me some much needed practice to keep both Sarah's weight down AND her happiness high. She's due for a nap anytime now, so I'm going to continue playing with her until it's her nap time. So far, things are going pretty well. I will keep you all posted on these two little guys' progress. :)
UPDATE: SO, it turns out the Tamagotchi I was using that had Sarah on it turned out to be either a newer or older model V3 or V2 (Again, I've been out of the Tama game for so long I just couldn't remember) so I took the battery out of Sarah's unit (R.I.P. little one) or perhaps I will go back and raise her alone one day, who knows? But anyway, I put her battery in an old V2 I had lying around that I've had for over ten years from when I was an actual CHILD. So we will see what we get from that. Hopefully another female so I can potentially breed, but at this point I'd be happy with a buddy for Digga. I will keep ya
\;; updated with entries.

ALSO, figured I'd mention that I've managed to successfully win the Get game multiple times and so Digga's training is up one point, and his happiness is through the roof. I make sure to feed him every single time a hunger heart depletes as well, though the constant gaming keeps his weight at a manageable level. ALSO, he EVOLVED! NMot sure which Tama he evolved into (I will provide pictures for anyone interested, or if there's anyone reading that could weigh in and knows more about the various Tama species).

The second V2 is still ann egg, I am waiting for it to hatch. Will update when it happens :3

Anyway, gonna' p;au some Diablo Immortal while I wait!


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So, this morning Digga and I managed to win GET once, which made him lose some of his weight he was packing on and I got his training up a bit. As for my second gotchi', I ended up decommisioning the one seen in above posts and resurrecting an old Tamagotchi I had been raising probably... More than three years ago, named Elle. They are quickly becoming fast friends, as they are each Tamagotchi connections and I have been connecting them quite a lot this morning. I've had my coffee and just won a few rounds of jumping rope with Elle (She needed to shed some pounds as well, as she is a full grown Mimitchi-- Don't worry, I will snap some photos for you guys<3).

All in all, everything is going great. I will post later if anything interesting happens. On an end note, Digga ended up evolving sometime this morning while I was out of the room into a black-colored Tamagotchi species, and I will have to do some research to see what his is called ( Found out his species name is Pirorirochi, and was created due to 4 care mistakes x.x, yikes. But I enjoy his design so I am going to stick with him<3) But yes, for now all is going well.


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Hey everyone, good morning! As I was enjoying my cup of morning coffee (Still doing so :p) My Pirorirochi, Digga evolved! I cannot lie and say that I am a HUGE fan of his design but I CAN say this: I have never once gotten this Tama before in all my years of playing, so I feel lucky. I've kinda' been neglecting these poor guys due to my hectic work schedule and my other gaming addiction (currently Diablo: Immortal) and I've been putting them on pause quite a bit. In all honesty, I should be just taking their batteries out to conserve them but I have a literal TON (like over 20) of lightly used to brand new of the little disc batteries so I should be fine.

Anyway, I am going to do some research and find out what character Digga has evolved into, and I will edit this post and let you all know. Here is a picture! LOL, he looks like a burglar! I definitely think I did something wrong while raising this one...


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I have been collecting new items every day as they become available (I'm REALLY good at the Get game for my V3 and the Jumping Rope game for my V4 so I basically always win, and therefor I always have spare gotchi points to spend on my Tamas) and just wanted to show off the cool "costume" item I got for Digga that he is currently wearing LOL. I can't lie... I much prefer him this way. I haven't done anything in a bit and he still hasn't taken it off so I'm hoping it just lasts forever cause' I love this new design! Check it out!


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UPDATE: While I was in the shower or doing something outside of my room, Elle decided she was old enough to evolve to her final "Grandma stage" as I call it. I used up lots of Gotchi points to purchase her a mirror, and caught this little mirror shot of her admiring herself... LOL

Not quite sure how long the adverage Tamagotchi lives, so I am hoping she will stick around for quite some time still. Either way, she is 8 years old in Tama years, which is quite the stretch in my humble opinion. She;s had a good life-- Remember, she was a pet I began caring for years ago and just started back up I think around four-ish days ago, so I've had her for quite a while. I've legitimately never had a second generation Tama, so when she passes on I look forward to caring for the baby! Anyway, just wanted to update ya'll! Talk to you all soon.


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