Has a Little Kid Ever Sweared at you Before?


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No, but they've sworn in front of me before. She started crying when I told her that I would tell her mom.

Me and Kitty were sitting in the park, and this...he looked about three year-old came a stuck his middle finger up at us.

Being the charming people we are, we did the same, and then had a loud conversation about "The youth of today".

Lolerz once me and my friend were at this concert in the park (it was classic music not the big "Jonas Brother" kind of concert) and this 3 year old came up to us and started saying the f word at us. Like pretend the word 'fudge' is the f word. he said "You fudgedy fudgedy fudgin fudgers! fudgedy fudgedy fudge!" for ever. It was so weird.

It all comes down to how disciplined they are, so no.

Otherwise I wouldn't have been aloud to talk to them in the first place.

No they just follow me everywhere or stare at me lol it's cute :huh: !

My brothers swear at me everyday. Don't ask me, I don't know who game it to them. A whole heap of kids swear at school these days. Maybe that's what it is.

My 3 year old cousin knows all the main swear words- learnt them when she was 1. o___o

no, not that i know of. if "hell" counts as a swear word in the "place" form, then yes.

I have a cousin who's about 6 who cusses quite a bit at me. o___o But otherwise, no.

Yes a few times. It's kinda scary after awhile.

This one kid is pretty much my brother almost, he swore at me before when he was really mad, and my friend and I laughed so hard!

He says "God D****" alot, haha.

This girl I went to primary school with has a little brother and his first word was the F word.

It's horrible to hear little kids swear.

One Day I Was Walking Down A Road And Some Little Blonde Girl (About 5 Years Old)

Starts Cursing Like Crazy! I Didn't Know What The

Words Ment (I Was Little), The S Word, The Other S Word The F Word ...You Get Th Point o_O

She Must Of Had GREAT Parents Or Friends

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I don't think they've actualy sweared AT me but there was this preschooler at my elementry school that would be sceaming and yelling curses all down the hallway pretty much every time you saw him.

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