Handheld Virtual Neopet Game


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actully i dont have the regular, i have a deluxe which is better than the regular it is a meridell one but theres a faerieland one to but they are both retired so they are no longer availible to buy

whats different in the deluxe is that the deluxe is bigger, can have up to 3 pets at the same time, comes with lupe, Draik and Ixi figures, but in the ports where you put the pet in, the one on the right is for draiks, left is Ixi, and middle is lupe, sadly, the limit for the amount of gam,es tyou can send your scoreon is still the same, however, the games are: Negg Drop, Yeasty Bread Toss, Ultimate Bullseye, Turdle Race, and Kiss the Mortog.

but something on it puzzles me, there is a squash on the top flap that has a dot in it that looks like a port. i recommend that you just start out with one pet, as soon as you get all the games' limit for sending scores on that specific pet, switch to another, if you do not take care of any of the pets for more than 14 days, it will run away

hope you like this one. Shadows112

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