Halloween Costumes


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Personaly I think the best costume is home-made.

It looks origanal,

Every one will wish they made theirs,

It's cheeper,

and you'll be 100 % garrentee, no one will be the smae as you...

Some cute ones can be found here -------Click Here--->

Others you can come up with by your self.

One idea is, Get your best bud involved and create two coustumes alike (example, Two fuzzy dice)

Good Luck :ichigotchi:

well it tottally(sp) dependz on ur personality like me im im gunna be a devil...it fits me perfect! ;D

Be creative, one year I made a pikmin costume, and my arch enemy was dressed up like the little devil she is!

A couple years ago I was Samara off "The Ring" because I had really creepy dark and long hair just like her. Only people that seen the movie/my friends really understood it, lol.

I don't know what I'll be this year, I still got about a month, so it's all good.

And tamatalker101 I love that fuzzy dice idea. XD

i want to be something with cool clothes and lots of makeup. like a goth or something. and creepy

EDIT: what should i wear???

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