Gym leader and Elite four observation


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Sep 19, 2005
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Somewhere in the US of the A
I've made an observation on the gym leaders and the Elite four. For most of them, the genders of their pokemon who have genders match their gender. Roark has an all male team and Roark is a guy. Gardenia has 1 male turtwig, but the rest of her team are female. This does not apply to Maylene, as 2 out of her 3 pokemon are actually male, and Maylene is a girl. This applies to Wake, Byron, Candice and Volkner as well. Wake has an all male team, and he is a guy as well as Byron and Volkner. Candice has an all female team and she is a girl.

This also applies to 3/5 of the Elite Four. Aaron has one female vespiquen, however his vespiquen has a 100% female gender rate since only the female combee become vespiquen. This applies to Bertha, as she is a woman and has an all female team. Flint is a guy and has an all male team. Lucian has one genderless but the rest of his team are all male and Lucian is male himself. Cynthia has one male on her team, the luciario, but otherwise, she has an all female team and she's a girl.

It's strange how trainers usually have a team biased towards thier own gender. I had some friends with DP pick 6 pokemon randomly out of their boxes with thier eyes closed and my friends who were girls usually ended up picking more females than males and my friends who are guys ended up with a male biased team. Interesting, yes?


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I've made an observation on the gym leaders and the Elite four. For most of them, the genders of their pokemon who have genders match their gender. Roark has an all male team and Roark is a guy. Gardenia has 1 male turtwig, but the rest of her team are female. This does not apply to Maylene, as 2 out of her 3 pokemon are actually male, and Maylene is a girl. This applies to Wake, Byron, Candice and Volkner as well. Wake has an all male, and he is a guy as well as Byron and Volkner. Candice has an all female team and Candice is a girl.
This also applies to 3/5 of the Elite Four. Aaron has one female vespiquen, however his vespiquen has a 100% female gender rate since only the female combee become vespiquen. This applies to Bertha, as she is a woman and has an all female team. Flint is a guy and has an all male team. Lucian has one genderless but the rest of his team are all male and Lucian is male himself. Cynthia has one male on her team, the luciario, but otherwise, she has an all female team and she's a girl.

It's strange how trainers usually have a team biased towards thier own gender. I had some friends with DP pick 6 pokemon randomly out of their boxes with thier eyes closed and my friends who were girls usually ended up picking more females than males and my friends who are guys ended up with a male biased team. Interesting, yes?

never really noticed...

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