Guess who's bak, its me!


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hi again!

um some messages 4 some...

Chocochat: thanx 4 being so kind!

Charmmykitty: hope u got my pm

*Summer*: when i c some1 in brissie, with a tama, i think 'IS IT U?'

Tama-Love: thanx 4 the avatar!

miffiy: why did u say those things?

crazy babe: hey sally whad u up 2?

binary: thanx 4 trying 2 help when it was 2 late!

silver hanachi: what is wrong with tamatalkians?

Tama-Love: the b'day stuff woz jusy 4 u! i woz just thinking of what you've done 4 me!


honeysuckle: u can relate 2 me, huh?

lemonade: get my pm?

ok, so thats it 4 now. oh, have i used spam?


Yep - that is spam... all those things relate to PMs and could be kept to the PM system instead of posting on the forum.

Welcome Back cc - lol.... but try to leave the spam in the pantry :mimitchi:

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