Growth chart of eggy!


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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2006
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Eggy is a mizutamatchi, I got him yesterday, so he is fairly new! My goal is to get a mametchi, not to hard right?

I will keep logging.. and oh! mizutamatchis are truly good at bump. It was only 14 pounds, and got through 7 rounds!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

oh, and my tamagotchi is a light blue, with darker blue and white bubbles and light green buttons

I have paused Eggy so much, but he has gotten another training bar , that makes two.

Name: Eggy

Gender: male



Weight: 11 lbs

Years: 0

Weight: 11

Generation: first

Training: 2/9

I've trained it every time it asked for it, it's never made a mess on the floor. I always get it to the toilet! ;3 Still a mizutamatchi.

let me tell you... this guy is an expert at bump!! :D Wow! he beat an adult mametchi!! he got to the tenth round!!! n.n Eggy is still a mizutamatchi.

LOL! I got a password for a ball from tamatown, guess what happned???? well, my Eggy jumped onto the ball started balencing, got a little wobbly, and fell flat on it's face!!! and the ball rolled of the screen! xD Maybe it will get better at balencing when it gets older. :lol: :D

:D :lol: :lol: Well what do you know?? Eggy played with the ball again and he kept his balance! What a cordinated little tama! n.n
awwwwwwww, eggy looks so cute in his bed! Hopefully tomarow he will evolve. I hope he turns into a young mimitchi!! :ph34r: :) :wacko: :ph34r: :blink: :huh: :wacko: :furawatchi: cute young mimitchis!!

Oh, thanks for the advice, and yay! people like my log! :wacko: :angry: any way... Eggy evolved into a.... *drumrool* papapatachi!!! (to many "pa"s in the name!!! It is pretty dumb, you see, it has wings and It hovered above the ball, and STILL fell over! xD well, I have to go pretty soon, thanks again! and Eggy got another training bar (3/9)

I mean "patapatachi" I can't get the name right! I don't even know if that was the right spelling!!Oh yea, I'm a little sick today, so I got to stay home from school. no pausing today! ;3

darn, I took the very best care that I could of my mizutamatchi and it turned into one of the less healthy charectars!! I'm so sad. Wah!! >.< now i'm mad... oh well, things don't always go your way. I'm still super mad! and sad. :angry: :angry: :( :angry: :wacko: *sigh, I wanted a young mimitchi so bad.

Okay. I am fine with the teen version of eggy. At first I was really upset, most probably because I was sick and my stomach hurt. anyway.. eggy is in perfect condition. 1 year old, 20 pounds(teenager) and 4/9 training.

I caught the rascal sining for one second, It seemed to look at me and then it stoped singing. well, he IS a boy after all. :rolleyes:

*grumble* oh, I am not in a good I said before, my stomach really hurts! As for Eggy, he is fine. he got 265 points in catch the musical notes. I wanted to get more points to buy an action figure for him, but he wouldn't let me (he was too light to exersise) so I fed him two snacks. Then he got a cavity. This is not my day... :huh: :(

Are you having a good day pochichi?? :rolleyes: <----- *shaking head* i'm not either

:rolleyes: :huh: :( I'm In a better mood now. ^.^ I caught eggy doing something very strange. He was flying across the screen and when he reached the other side, he crashed into the floor xD lol. :D :( :D
okay, Here are eggy's teenage stats:

Hunger <3 <3 <3 <3 (4/4)

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 (4/4)

training: {||||||---} (6/9)

age: one year

weight: 20 lbs

Name: eggy


Generation: G1

Points: 4065

Stage: teen

Species: patapatatchi

I can't use the ticket until eggy is an adult. hmmm.. no fair, but at the same time I am happy, He needs only one more training bar to go... then... FULL TRAINING!! Eggy is currently taking a nice hot bath. :p

BIG BLANKO! Okay, so I went to school today and thought my tama was just on my bed side table!!!! And.... Eggy was sick, with 4 poops, and all hearts empty! Thankfuly, he is all better now. Good news, ALL TRAINING BARS FULL!!!!!!!!!!! I have a small shot at getting a mametchi. Eggy got a mirror, so is he has a daughter, she can play with the makeup I bought.


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