GrapeOmapeO's Tamagotchi V5.5 Log.


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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2008
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:lol: A couple of days ago I got a V5.5, So I pulled out the tab and bam now there teenages and thats where my story begins, hope you enjoy the log of the Bubble family...... :lol:

:lol: Hello, My name is GrapeOmapeO :lol:

it's lunch over here now, I had a Extra Saucy Noodles and my Tamagotchi had BBQ. It did a poo and I played Tama fans with it, it got 300 tamapoints and it was happy after that. The reason why I'm starting this log when the're Teenages is because I've had lots of things to do like chours these holidays. Here's a list of what my Tamagotchi V5.5 characters are:

Char-mametchi (first born)

Mamekatchi (second born)

Shelltchi (third born)

I'll post at dinner time

and don't be haseled

to pm me. If you are

not comftable with my

log don't be afraid to

pm me about it. Chow GrapeOmapeO

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Im Posting now because my Tamagotchis want too talk well here they are.

Char-mamatchi (pink)

Mamekatchi (green)

Shelltchi (purple)

Hello I'm Mirla. Look at my dress it so cute. I'm so good at Tama Fans, well I don't wanna talk anymore seeya. GIVE ME MY MARANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi im Luke. Im a robot mouse *dances the robot dance* danananandadananananan well seeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Bubble Bubble Bubble Go. Oh hi I'm Lavender I like our family name it matches me oh and watch this *blows bubbles out of top of head* Bubble Bubble Bubble Go! well bye

Always love a good PM so start typing

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I'm posting now because lavender has to say somthing. Well here she is:

Hello, I was talking to my dad and he said I might be able to marry. Yes! oop sorry about that I got carried away hehehe so yay! I'm so exited *walkes around how saying what she would do when she would get married* oh yeah bye.

Don't forget to pm me I love pm's so much it make me feel so happy to see people reading the posts in my log

Well chow and remember PM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

post at dinner and when my tama's go to bed. Bye.

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Hi its like 7:24 here now and I had a bath and had dinner and I'm going to brush my teeth soon. For dinner my Tamagotchis had steak fillet for dinner and they will be going to bed in 2 hours. Here they are:

Ahh that steak was so yummy thanx to the chefs so yeah bye.*brushes teeth* brushy brushy brushy brushy brush.

ughh im stuffed I think I'm going to play with the Japenese fan that dad brought us. Seeya

mmmmmhummm that steak was so delicious thank you chefs well I'm going to get in my sea pajamas and polish my pearl.

well thats them i'll post at 8 ummm soo that was them

post later. Bye

Hi, well sorry could not post lastnight because I was watching T.V and all of a sudden you know the time flys really fast yeah well what could I say.

Yeah my Tamagotchi's just had bekky, they had a Croissant, must of been yum (I love Croissants). well here my tamagotchi's are:

Oh hi, I get to name one of Lavender's babys. if its a boy sam and if its a girl samantha and her husbands going to name one and so yeah. Bye.

Hi its me luke I don't wanna name one of lavender's babys because *wispers* im not a very good namer *wispers* so yeah bye and talk to ya laters. Peace.

Hello there im going to name one of my babys Lupa because its got some of the letters in lukes name and stuff and I don't wanna make it to similer to Luke so yeah. seeya.

What great names guys, Well I'll

probely post at luch, yeah I think

then would be good. ok. Bye

Hi my Tamagotchis evolved

Hi I evolved into a Memetchi im soo beutiful and I created a tuexido for Lavender's lover so bye

Hi its Luke Im a Kuromametchi and im really smart and strong well im off to help somebody. bye.

Hi I could almost drink myself *giggles* Im a Hotteatchi and im getting married today so se you at the wedding.

well see you at the wedding

it sound so exiting well bye

and don't forget to pm me!

oh sorry I havent posted in a while but theres been so much to do and it was so busy last week oh and my annoying brothers made memetchi marry and she married a pharotchi and now shes a mamamemetchi and hes a tonotchi and they had babys and soon you know it there teenages and yeah Lavender is fine because just like she the first born is a shelltchi and the other one is a nonopotchi and here they are:

(purple) Mirla

(orange) Lupa

hi Im the shelltchi just like my aunt although im not the personality so bye im looking and a picture of my uncle Luke

Hi im the nonopotchi that my mums dad was talking about a second ago and im getting married well hopfully so yeah bye. MORE MUDCAKE DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
