GotchiGirl96's Version 1 Log


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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New York; United States
My V1 is a 7th generation Kinakomotchi girl named Nessy. She will basically be taking over the log. After reading Shiloh Tama's version one log, she inspired me to make one of my own. I'm kinda using her log tecnique, I hope she doesn't mind. Nessy will basically do most of the talking. When Nessy is posting, there will be a Memetchi :ichigotchi: smiley before the writing.

:ichigotchi: Hi everyone! I'm Nessy! I'm a Kinakomotchi. I really want to be an Ichigotchi!! I hope I get my wish. GotchiGirl wants me to be a Young Mimitchi, but I want Ichigotchi because they look like strawberries!!! And strawberries are my favorite fruit. Please PM GotchiGirl to give her opinions on our log or if you want to talk to me. Talk later! Bye for now!

:ichigotchi: *sniffle* I just connected with GotchiGirl's version 4, but I lost the game. So I started crying. But GotchiGirl gave me a piece of candy to make me feel better and now I'm happy again!! I hope I can play another game of Jump soon! I'm getting kinda bored. Bye for now!
Little Nessy got her wish. We played a game of jump and we got up to 26.

Me: So are you happy? We played jump and you did a great job!

Nessy: NOOO!! I wanna win like we did when I was a baby!!!!

Me: Don't whine at me Nestle! You can't get eveything you want. That's how you become a spoiled brat.

Nessy: I sorry. *sniffle* Do you still love me?

Me: Of course I do sweetie. You just need to be happy with what you have and stop complaining.

Nessy: *sniff* Ok, I be good.

:eek: Hi, everyone! It's Nessy. I just whined to GotchiGirl how I wanted to win jump and I got in trouble!! She raised her voice at me. She even called me by my full name, Nestle! I told her I was sorry, and I almost was crying at that point! I'm gonna try to be a good girl and not whine.

:eek: Hey everyone, Nessy again. I just got a time out because I called GotchiGirl for no reason. Again, I was crying! *sniff* I'm having a bad day. I've already cried 4 times today! It would have been 5 but when I was being yelled at by GotchiGirl I held it in. No fair! I'm down a happy point right now so maybe GotchiGirl will play with me. Yummy! I just got a piece of bread to eat. Now I can play Jump with GotchiGirl. I did a great job. I got up to 25 and stumbled on 26! I'm gonna hand the keyboard over to GotchiGirl now. Bye.

Aww, my poor thing. Oh well, she's just a toddler. So they're gonna have their tantrums and their crying fits. I'm sure she'll be feeling better later.

:unsure: Nessy here! It's almost my bedtime. I'm getting kinda tired. Maybe GotchiGirl will hum me the lullaby she keeps talking about.

I just hummed her a lullaby. Then I turned out the lights and she fell right asleep. She looks so cute when she's asleep, all buried beneath the covers. Nighty night, my little Nestle.

Tomorrow, I'm going to surprise my Tamagotchis with their very own beds. I'm using little boxes, and I'm put tissue inside for the mattress and pillow. But I only have one box, so I can't give them their beds tonight because they need to both get theirs at the same time.

Well, Nessy got her wish. She is now a happy bouncy Ichigotchi!! I surprsied both of my Tamas with their beds because I made the other one last night. So they both woke up in their new cozy beds. I'll let Nessy speak to you all.

:) I may have been cute before, but now I'm double the adorable!! I am now a gorgeous Ichigotchi!!! Wheee!!!! And also, this morning, me and Lizzy (GotchiGirl's V4) woke up in our brand new cozy beds!!! Mine has blue, orange, and yellow sheets with a purple blanket and white pillow and Lizzy's has purple, dark blue, and regular blue sheets with a blue blanket and white pillow!!! I love mine!!! I can't wait until I get to sleep in it again!! It's nice to know that when I grow up, my kids and grandkids will have a great home and a warm, cozy bed to sleep in!! I'll hand the computer over to GotchiGirl now. Bye!

Oh, isn't she adorable?? Well, post later!

:( GotchiGirl is very tired so I'm typing again!! We just played jump and we won!! We got up to 30!!! There was music and fireworks!! GotchiGirl is very proud of me! I can't wait until I get to play jump again. That probably won't be for a while. I mean, I'm only 21 pounds. I have to be 23 pounds in order to play a game. *chews* Yummy!! GotchiGirl just gave me a piece of candy as a reward for being a good girl! Now maybe she'll play with me.

Me: Mommy, can we play a game of Jump?

GotchiGirl: Later, Nessy, ok?

Me: But I want to play so bad!!! Please!!!

GotchiGirl: You are already spoiled as it is! I will play with you later. Stop whining.

Me: Sorry. :blink:

I guess she doesn't want to play with me! :blink: But she did say I can play a little bit later. I guess I am spoiled. I hate how she always yells at me if I ask her to play with me. But she does take very good care of me. And I guess I was whining. And I have to try not to do that. I have to find a way to occupy my time. Since I am an ichigotchi, maybe I'll go to my room and sing and dance like all ichigotchis love to do. maybe I'll do that. Right now I need to finish this entry. Being a teen is so much fun!! I can't wait until I'm an adult!! I hope I can be a Memetchi! They're so pretty and cool! I guess I'll talk to you later. Bye for now!

♥Nestle Jennifer Gotchi

:mametchi: It's me, Nessy. I just love being an ichigotchi. They are so cute and lovable! Nothing much has happened today. I've been connecting with Lizzy a lot. I hope GotchiGirl will extend this log to make it about me and Lizzy. I hope that when we have kids they will be a boy and a girl so they can mate next generation.

How can I say no to my adorable little Nessy? Maybe I can make this a V1 and a V4 log. If you think I should, PM me.

Well, my Tamas are asleep. Nessy went to bed with 1 happy point down. I would set the time to make her wake up so I can give her a snack, but right now I don't feel like it. Maybe later I will.

:angry: Hey everyone! It's Nessy! Sorry that I didn't post yesterday, but we went out yesterday! GotchiGirl took both me and Lizzy (who is now a Pyonkotchi!!!! :) :D :D) to the fair! It was fun but she had to pause us when we got there and by the the time she unpuased we both had to go to sleep! I'll post later! Bye!
:D Hello everybody! It's Nessy! Yes, I'm a Mametchi! Not the boy looking Mametchi, the V1 cute Mametchi! I look just like the smiley I posted! GotchiGirl is very proud of me! I can't wait to play games as an adult! I'm so excited!

I've decided to post about my V4 too. Now that she turned into my favorite character, I just couldn't resist.

;) Hey everyone! My name is Lizzy! GotchiGirl is completely in love with me now that I turned into her very favorite character ever! I'm really glad she's letting me post in the log. Since I'm universal, I don't have many skill points, but tonight GotchiGirl is going to fix that. Well, I guess that's all I have to say for now. Bye!


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