GotchiGirl96's V5 Tama Log!


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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New York; United States
Hello everyone and welcome to my brand new V5 Tamagotchi log! In this log you will be able to read all about the Gotci family, and I will also be posting links to helpful information about the version 5 and others as the log goes on.

So, as you already know my V5 family name is Gotci. (meant to be Gochi but I messed up on it, lol.) My Tamagotchi is on its 5th generation. The parents are Mememamatchi and Memepapatchi. Their kids are teens right now. I have a Chamametchi, a Mameketchi and a Shelltchi. Their current bonding percentage is 50% and I have 8,190 GP.

And I also have another Tamagotchi running. It is my V3. My V3 is on its 24th generation and I have a Young Mimitchi named Mikey. It is a GIRL. Not a boy but a girl. I know, surprising huh? Who knew a girl would be named Mikey. Well get over it, lol!

Ok, well, my Tamagotchis really aren't doing anything right now. I'm thinking about when my Family turns into adults, which one I should choose to get married. I was thinking about my "active" Tamagotchi. (you know the one in the middle of the screen who is the one that plays the games with you and stuff?)

It's my Chamametchi if that helps. Oh, I also gave each of the Family teens, names. I call my Chamametchi Bell, my Mameketchi Ruki, and my Shelltchi Toro. Ooh, my family just beeped for attention. They have a music note above their heads. I chose for them to play with a tamborine. Now let's see if my bonding went up. Nope, still 50%. Oh well.

So, I guess I've said enough for now. I'll update later if something exciting happens.

My V3 is extremely overweight. I think she's at the maximum right now. Let me check. Not quite. She's 97lbs. lol. Well, apparently weight doesn't matter because Mikey's great grandmother was 99lbs and she was a Mametchi. I think it mostly matters on the amount of training bars and how many hearts are down before you feed it, play with it, etc.

Ok, now on to my V5. They are doing absolutely nothing. Just bouncing around the screen like they normally do. I really want to get 100% bonding so it looks like I'm going to have to keep playing Shoe Pairs and Golf Putt which seems to make the bonding increase faster. I guess since you're doing an activity with your parents that would be considered bonding.

My Version 3 hasn't evolved yet. But I think she will today. She's 3 years old and she's been 3 years old since last night, so hopefully today's the day. I really hope I won't get a Chomametchi again. I always get them. And they are soooo ugly. I want to get something different!! Mikey is 96lbs, which is one lb less than yesterday when I last posted in the log. Yay. Only 76 more lbs to lose before she's at her minimum teenager weight.

Hm, did I do that math right? lol. Hopefully I did. I mean, I did get a 100 in math. Let's write this one out. Ok. 96 - 76 = Uh, ok. 6 - 6 =0. 9 - 7 = 2. Put the two together 02, ok, switch them around and we have 20!! Yay, I was right!! Oh yeah! Rofl.

So now that I've done my daily math problem I will now move on to updates on my V5. They're still teens, and now they have 70% bonding, which is my current record for bonding. The first generation ended when I mated one of the Tamas when the family was at 70% bonding. So it looks like I'll be able to get more than that!!! Yay, hopefully 100%. I'm working pretty hard on this.

I wish they would tell you how many years old your V5 Tamagotchis are. It's hard to predict when they are going to evolve when you lose track of how many days they have been teenagers. I think they'll evolve either today or tomorrow. So yeah. I'll update later when something interesting happens. Hopefully I'll also have a link to a helpful V5 thread, or V3. It depends on what I'm in the mood for. lol.

(have you noticed I said hopefully 4 times in this entry? Yay more math!!!)

The Gotci's turned into adults yesterday! I got a Violetchi (my active one, Bell), a Yonepatchi (Toro), and a Furikotchi (Ruki). Not only am I excited about the cute characters I got, I'm also ecstatic about my bonding %. Right now we're at 90% bonding! I can't wait until I get up to 100%. It's going to be so awesome. And I love the animations that happen. At 80 and 90%, all 3 of the family members do a cute closeup. The same thing that happens at 30% except now all 3 of them do it!

Now on to my V3. She's just hanging out. 4yrs old and she still hasn't evolved so hopefully today's the day. She's 99lbs, but I guess it doesn't really matter. She seems happy enough, lol. So, I said that I would maybe have a link to a helpful V5 or V3 thread, well, I don't. But I promise you, I'll have one next entry. Ok? I really will.

I've been doing everything to get the bonding to 100% but still nothing. Oh well. Maybe when they call for bonding and I give them their item they will get up to 100%. Then I'll hopefully be able to get that purebred family I've been wanting.

And, I did not break my promise. I have a link for you guys! Enjoy!

How to Increase Bonding on the V5

kjaflkdfj;akjfdsl;akfjdslafdjs;afkdsa OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you guess why I'm spazzing out? NOOOO??? WELL THEN I WILL TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, ok, calming down. Well, I just played a game of Shoe Pairs with the mother, I won, and that increased the bonding to 100%!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! This is so exciting. Now I just have to mate one of the Gotchis with the correct character, and I'll have a purebred family!! And I have another link for you guys.

Parent Evolutions and Purebred Families

Ugh. My V3 just evolved. Into a Chomametchi. Just what I didn't want. I always get the same characters.

Take this for instance: For my 21st genereation, I got a Mametchi. 22nd, a Chomametchi. 23rd, a Mametchi. And now 24th, a Chomametchi. I guess I'm going to have to start neglecting my Tamagotchis to get different characters.

Nothing exciting going on today with the Tamagotchis. Just hanging out. I'll update later. And hopefully I'll be on my next generation with a purebred family on my V5.

How odd. My bonding level went down to 90%. But I'm positive I didn't miss any chances for bonding items. Oh well. I played a few games of Shoe Pairs so it's back up to 100% now.

Now, I have some news about my V3 to share with you! I went to check up on my little Mikey, and clean up after her. And I did. Then I played a game of Sprint with her. Her very first game of Sprint. And to my surprise, she won all the rounds and was champion of the game! Then I gave her some of her dressup items to play with. You know, mirror, bowtie, bow, shirt, wings, royal costume, that stuff. And she looked SOOO adorable!

Could you believe that? An ugly pixel Chomametchi actually looked really cute when she played with her dressup stuff! She must really like dressup! It seems that when you give her items and her play with them, her "personality" really comes to life!! So I guess I'm going to stop being so mean and saying she's hideous and all that stuff because today she actually prooved me wrong. A Chomametchi can be cute! Yay! I feel really happy now, lol!

I want to mate my Yonepatchi on my V5 with a Kuchipatchi via matchmaker but I've tried 6 times and she still hasn't given me one. That sucks. I worked so hard for a purebred family and now I'm not sure I'm even going to get one.

My V3 is doing good. I don't know if she's going to have her baby today or tomorrow. I guess we'll find out later won't we? lol.

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I was pretty busy with school stuff and I still need to get my creative nature writing project done so I'll have to do a really quick update.

My V3 did not mate. Finally, my V5 Yonepatchi mated with a Kuchipatchi but I learned that you have to have a kuchi and then mate with a Yonepatchi if you want to get a purebred family so I still have a blended family.

Sorry for not updating. I have been pretty busy with my schoolwork and stuff. I paused my V5 so now my V3 is the only one that's still active. Mikey had her baby a few days ago. A boy. I've had her on pause during the school day so that's why she's still here. She should leave the baby tonight I think. I'm not sure what to name him. I'll go to the Tamagotchi name generator to find something.

I'm adding another Tamagotchi to the log! My V4, which has been paused for months. It is a female, err, I forget the character it's been so long. Oh right. It's a Puchitchi. Her name is Leah. She's on the 20th generation. I'm aiming for a universal character. Pyonkotchi's my all time favorite character. But I've already had that one. I've never had any other universal characters. And in all of my 19 generations before this one, I've never had the Kuchi family, so it might be nice to get that too. But I want universal more.


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