GotchiGirl96's Tamagotchis


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York; United States
Hey everyone! I know I've had about a billion logs before that didn't work out, but now I'm going to (attempt to) keep this log going like my very first one that had over 300 entries or something like that. So currently my V5 is paused and my V1 is the only Tamagotchi running. He's a 2nd generation Kinakomotchi named Jack. Maybe he wants to write in the log?

Lol, that would be a good idea. Yeah, my Tamagotchis will write in the log. Cool.

Yep, so when I'm writing, it will be regular, black. And when Jack's writing it will be blue. Ok, let's go like that.

Hey everyone! It's me, Jack!! I'm glad GotchiGirl is letting me write in the log!! Well, I'm a Kinakomotchi as you all know and right now I'm just rolling around the bottom of my screen. I'm 12 pounds right now, so I'm at a really good weight! My favorite game is Jump because I'm really good at it. I usually only trip after I get past 20 jumps! Dance is good too, but it's really hard to remember all the moves I have to do. Either way both games are great excercise. I'm glad I have an owner that plays with me lots and lots! Well, enough for now. Talk to you guys later!!!

._. Jack ._.

Jack and I had a very interesting conversation that we thought we'd share with you.

Jack: So, GG, should I call you Mommy, GotchiGirl, or your real name?

Me: Whatever you like the best I guess.

Jack: Ok, uh, Mommy!

Me: So that's what you're going to call me?

Jack: You don't like?

Me: I like it just fine.

Jack: Oh.

Yeah, pointless conversation. lol.

I was just crying. I don't know why but I was feeling sad at that time. GotchiGirl (or I thought I agreed I'd call her mom) praised me though so I'm feeling a lot better now. Well, tonight I should be turning into a teen. I can't wait!! My mommy wants me to be an Oniontchi. But that's dumb. That would mean that I was poorly treated as a toddler. Plus, who would want to be an onion? Seriously. I want to be a Young Mimitchi because they're cute and if I was one it would show that I was taken care of perfectly!! Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Isn't he a spunky little thing? I wonder what it will be like when he's all grown up with a baby of his own. Boy, I can only imagine!


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