Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!


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Apr 16, 2007
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Hi im new to tama talk. Anyway i have a white tama v4 with orange buttons and blue, green and pink spots on it, on every spots there is a letter which spells out the word tamagotchi! I have a teenage young memetchi girl called POPZ! who is hopefully going to evolve into an adult tomorrow because she is turning 3 today! Here are her stats...

HUNGER = ****




ARTS = 60


AGE = 2 yrs (will be 3 soon)

WEIGHT = 27lb


GENDER = girl


POINTS = 2370 (because i spent about 5000p in the tama mall)

Well there are POPZ! stats for today. Id better go because POPZ! really wants to go to the tama arcade at tama town and play some football. Ill probably reply tomorrow!

Good Bye


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Today POPZ! evolved into an adult. I was in my maths lesson at school and i checked my tama and she had evolved into a... PONYTCHI! She looks so sweet now and i am really glad she evolved into that. POPZ! is getting really brainy because she now has 143 intelligence points which i am really happy about. I am hoping that tomorrow Mr. Turtlepedia will say his final good bye's to POPZ! and i am hoping that POPZ! will get a job of working in the florist because the mini game is so sweet! I took POPZ! shopping in the tama mall on tama town yesterday and we had great fun trying on new clothes and buying new toys! POPZ! now has 11 items because she loves shopping! Here they are...

1. pen

2. !! (clone)

3. Honey

4. Cell phone

5. Play house

6. Slide

7. RC u.f.o

8. Doll (lion)

9. Rollerskates

10. Soccer ball

11. Drum (POPZ! makes alot of noise with it)

We bought these really sweet Rollerblades (item 9) and they suited POPZ! really well. Anyway Id better go because POPZ! is 34lb and needs to loose some weight. Ill probably reply tomorrow!

Good Bye


PS. Ill do another health review tomorrow or Thursday!

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:furawatchi: CHEAT CODES FOUND!

I found the cheat codes for my tama v4. They include... HONEY...CELL PHONE...!!(CLONE)...PEN and STEAK. Here are the passwords for those items if you havent already got them...

1. BBCA CCCA = Pen

2. ACAB ACAC = Steak (found in the food area)

3. BAAB ACBA = !!(clone)

4. CCBA AABB = Honey (love potion)

5. CAAA BACB = Rare cell phone

The cheat for the rare cell phone if you type it in twice the second time you will recieve a cd1 or 2 for 0p! It is a bargain! Well i think anyway. To enter these codes go to the shop on your tama and press the (A) button about 3 or 4 times until the shop keepers face looks surprised then type in the codes! Id better go now. Ill probably reply tomorrow!

Good Bye


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Today when i was at school POPZ! got mail and it was for applying for a job. I really wanted her to get the job at the hospital because it was quite obvious that she wouldnt get the florist job. Well anyway first i applyed for the recording studio...

JUDGE 1- x

JUDGE 2- x

JUDGE 3- x

So i thought the TV studio would be good, so i applyed for that...

JUDGE 1- o

JUDGE 2- o

JUDGE 3- o

POPZ! now is a TV presenter. I am very happy about that because the game is really cool and looks funny. I am gonna do another health check now so here are POPZ!'s stats for the day...

HUNGER - ****




ARTS - 88


AGE - 4 years

WEIGHT - 30lb


GENDER - girl


POINTS - 7900p

Im gonna go now because i just got home from school so i am going to go and sort myself out. Ill probably reply later or tomorrow.

Good Bye



Sorry for the late update.

POPZ! hasnt been up to much today. Well i wouldnt know anyway because i went swimming with my best friend, so she was stuffed in a locker! I am hoping that today or tomorrow the matchmaker will come and POPZ! will fall in love with the cutest character that she will really love! I am hoping the matchmaker will come today because i dont want to look after a baby in school time because it will have millions of poo and will probably cry! I have been taking POPZ! to work loads at the moment so now she has... 207 intelligence points and she has been paid so much in gotchi points! Which i am really happy about. I have been playing jumping rope loads to keep down POPZ!'s weight so now i have... 14580p! I am going to go and take POPZ! shopping on tama town now. Ill probably reply later or tomorrow!

Good Bye


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:huh: FINALLY!

Sorry for the late update.

Today was great. At about 11:30am this morning the matchmaker came on my tama. Now POPZ! has a lovely baby boy which i am probably going to name BOOTZ. POPZ! made love with a really sweet Tarakotchi. The screen when black then suddenly fireworks! YAAAY!! I couldnt believe that the matchmaker had finally come because POPZ! is already 8 years old! Im gonna go play jumping rope now. Ill probably reply later or tomorrow!

Good Bye



About 2 hours ago i set the time on my tama to midnight and i saw POPZ! leave her little baby boy. About 5 minutes of watching POPZ! saying her final good byes to his baby she finally left. I woke the baby up straight away. He started crying when he woke up but i named him BOOTZ and he felt better again. He has already evolved into a child, he is a mizutamatchi and he looks sweet. I have been playing jumping rope a few times, but i need to play it a few more because BOOTZ is getting a bit over weight. Im gonna go on tama town now so that POPZ! can see her baby boy as a child. Ill probably reply later or tomorrow!

Good Bye


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:D WELL...

Well when POPZ! left BOOTZ her baby boy POPZ! woke up and the light urned on and she was just standing facing BOOTZ bobbing up and down. Then after about 5 minutes she flies of the screen like they do on the way to go to work! Then the light was switched off and BOOTZ went back to sleep. It was quite sweet really. :D

Today the pre-school teacher came and met BOOTZ for the first time! They were standing facing each other and looked like they were shaking hands! It was quite sweet. So i have been taking him to pre-school a few times now. I am going to go and play jumping rope now because BOOTZ is 52lb and seriously needs to loose some weight. Ill probably reply later or tomorrow!

Good Bye



Just now BOOTZ evolved into a teenager. Now he is a really sweet... YOUNG KUCHIPATCHI! He looks so sweet now. Im gonna go and look on the tama v4 chart now. Ill probably reply later or tomorrow!

Good Bye



Sorry for the late update!

Well anyway on thursday at school second lesson BOOTZ evolved into an adult. Now he is a really cute... KUCHIPATCHI!! He also has a job of being a school teacher at the tamatown elementry school. But i would have liked him to work at the florist. Anyway today i went on tama town + got 4 new souvenirs. They were the Elephant from africa, the eiffel tower from paris, the graduation gown from the school + the grauduation cap from the school. Im gonna go on tama town again. To take BOOTZ shopping. Tomorrow or the next day the matchmaker should come + i will be on generation 3! YAY! Ill probably reply later or tomorrow!

Good Bye



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