good teen bookz?


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I suggest manga, warriors, Eragon, Eldest, The Temaire Series, Roman Mysteries, Twilight, and many adult books. Depends on what you like.

But if you start reading Gossip Girl because its for female teens, go shoot your book case, plz.

I am a guy but I see girls read books in my class all the time.

A really common book is called THE CLIK or something like that.

The Twilight series is really good too I heard.

Just some advice.

I am a guy but I see girls read books in my class all the time.A really common book is called THE CLIK or something like that.

The Twilight series is really good too I heard.

Just some advice.
Excuse me, but what the freaking vampire venom?

There are no 'girl books' or 'boy books'.

I swear I'm surrounded by sexists.

Really, please try use proper grammar. You go to school for a reason. And don't gender sort books. Depending on what you like, seeing you, you'll probably like the Cliche series or The Babysitter's Club.

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Definitely the Twilight Series; you might also like some manga and The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. =]

I personally like Caroline B. Cooney books. (and I am a teenage girl) I recomend the Janie series she wrote (Face on the Milk carton is the first book). Or the Losing Christina series, she has a way of suckng you into her books, and I love how most of them are about teenage girls, never really guys.

I say Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Clique, or Gossip Girl. I read those and I think they're good. ;)

Guys chill, goodness.

Some books are more directed toward female readers. Sure a guy can read "Chicken Soup for the Female Soul" but it wasn't marketed for him as a male hence the female part.

I really really liked Uglies, Pretties and Specials. Those are amazing books. n..n

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Ida B. Is a good book. I like The Clique series. Rules is good. I didnt read a lot of The green glass sea but it seems good too

I suggest manga, warriors, Eragon, Eldest, The Temaire Series, Roman Mysteries, Twilight, and many adult books. Depends on what you like.

But if you start reading Gossip Girl because its for female teens, go shoot your book case, plz.
Dang you covered it for me TT_TT

Well, you weren't very specific on the mangas, so allow me to suggest Fruits Basket and Chibi Vampire ^-^

I read Angela's Ashes for the first time a month or so ago (I just recently finished re-reading it) and it was the absolutely most amazing book I have ever read. It is sad, but it is also hilarious. It definitely does have some more adult content (nothing too bad, though), so I would say it's for teenagers and up. I haven't yet read the sequels, but I am sure they are amazing as well.

I also loved The Book Thief, City of Bones Triology (only two have come out so far), The Lovely Bones, The Devil in the White City, Corelli's Mandolin, and The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Plain Truth is also great, but I would say that is more adult content.

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Excuse me, but what the freaking vampire venom?
There are no 'girl books' or 'boy books'.

I swear I'm surrounded by sexists.
well its not nessesaryally sexist, every body is diffrent but im pretty sure most guys wouldnt read some books out there wich are considerd "girly books" (ones about teenage girls and romance novles etc. ) it dosnt mean girls are limited to those type of books or that boys cant read them it just means thats the type of book girls would genrally read.

Excuse me, but what the freaking vampire venom?
There are no 'girl books' or 'boy books'.

I swear I'm surrounded by sexists.
You're not sexist by sorting books into "for girls" and "for boys". It's just that some books are more targeted towards girls and others are more targeted towards boys.

A really good book is Dragonsdale, it was so good that I finished it in one night. (it's 270 pages long.)


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