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Wow! Thanks a lot! Its really helpful and nice to know people care so much! Great job on looking where everythnig is! Keep up the good work! ( im probly gonna use your info now.. i'll unput the Golden TaMagtchi on my v3... )...then again congrats on finding and posting where the items are!

-kiko ^_^

the tamagotchi does absolutely nothing.

its disappointing

okay so u think that this golden tamagotchi is going to be grate, rite? well gess again. after getting tons of kids worked up about the golden tamagotchi, and after lots of hard work to find all the items all that happen is a little picture in your souvenir items. Thats it!!!!!!!!! it makes no sense to me at all. :D i mean i love tamagotchis but come on bandai, you could have made it do something other that just sit there looking pretty. ithink we should be alowed to use our souvenirs and to play with them. :D i really doesn't make sense. the tamagotchis could have been so much better. you don't have to listen to me . thats just my opinion.

At first, I misread the instructions, and thought it meant once you get all the items you can return your actual Tama to the store you bought it from in exchange for a gold one or something. :D ;

That would have been better, actually. Harder to organize, but better than a little icon. >.>;

I've been playing tamatown while I wait for my tamagotchi to arrive (I had to order a v3 online cause I live in the middle of no where & the stores out here don't have any tamas). So, I got the golden tamagotchi... Is it a toy for your tama or what? What does it do? Can anyone tell me?

What do you do once you get the Golden Tamagotchi? :D

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its a souvenir, so in fact u dont do anything with it :D

if you go to the the place were you g to tam island and click on the Australian trip leaflet look on it and you will find the hat

lil :furawatchi:

if you go to the the place were you g to tam island and click on the Australian trip leaflet look on it and you will find the hat


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