Going to school stopped rewarding skills/ my tama keeps tripping


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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2012
Reaction score
New York, USA
I have two questions, and I don't want to create two different topics, so...

I'm experimenting with the kind of tamas I can get with what points, so I take my tamas to school ALOT to get higher and higher specific skill points, but after a certain point, I'd take them to school, and they won't receive their skill points after. I mean, playing certain games still rewards skill points, but going to school doesn't until the next day. Does anyone know why this is?


My boy tamagotchi keeps tripping and falling on his face :( . Te first one was a Celebtchi. I thought that was just part of his specific personality, but his kid, who's a Yasaguretchi (Elvis looking one) does it too. Do all Adult tamas do this?

Yes, after a while school stops rewarding school points. Your Tama's head is probably swimming with all the info it picked up during the day and it can't hold anymore, so it won't learn anymore. It just stops after a while. ;D

You mean when it's just "dancing" around the screen while it's not really doing anything? Then don't worry, that doesn't really mean anything. It's just a cute animation.

I'm not sure about the first one, but my tamagotchi Mikan does that sometimes too. Some days she'll be tripping and some days she'll do a jump in the middle of the screen. It's just something they do. :blink:

that happened to me, when i was all obsessed with getting my tama lots of skill points xD i guess you have to wait for another day. :(

i love it when they fall on their faces! (aren't i cruel?) it's just a regular tama animation.

After a while the tamagotchi can't take anymore information so they don't really learn anything. That's why it rejects the skill points.

As for the falling on the face, it is just a cute animation that bandai has programmed into the tamagotchi. It normally happenes when you haven't got all of your happy hearts/hungry hearts filled up all the way.


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