Global Warming


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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2007
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U know, global warming has really been affecting my state really bad lately. No1 cares about global warming when it is a big deal! Small islands and states off the coast will be flooded and soon the world will flood too!

I have been having a lot of rain lately and it is still winter and it isnt supposed to be warm and rainy!!!

U people need 2 start caring because it is here and it is happening!

I think it's bad to ignore global warming. Though none of the effects should be obvious at this point by 2020 the temperature is definately expected to rise.

However the world doesn't change over night and some places refuse to cooporate with the anti-global warming thing that several countries have signed. We'll never stop using our cars and electric items. We can't live without these things anymore. We aren't going to stop technilogical development either. In thruth the world is just not willing to give up everything that causing the problem.

No offense. I am tired of people complaining about Global Warming. Al Gore isn't a scientist, he's a politician. He's full of it. It's always cold where I am. No sighns of Global Warming. So he won some awards for stating some things that aren't true. Ah well.

You can't force people to care about an issue that is full of BS as is. There is something called Global Climate Change.

People make Global Warming a big deal from all the Media Scare Tactics.

People need to lighten up and loosen up, instead of worrying about every little thing in the world. Jeeze.. People really need to relax.

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I agree, are world Is really messed UP!! Now its March and its totally out of the blue a Huge Snow storm happening as I write. You would think it would be warm. Now because of Global Climate Changes we are turning back in Time and by the next 3-5 years we are going to have another Ice Age. With Ice Storms ( not hail ) Pelets flying from the sky and more than 50 cm of Snow, all around the World! We are going back to 10,000 B.C!!!! I am really conserned, I am starting to actually believe in DOOMSDAY now, all these future sights and predictions could be true :( !

~TP~ :huh:

I agree, are world Is really messed UP!! Now its March and its totally out of the blue a Huge Snow storm happening as I write. You would think it would be warm. Now because of Global Climate Changes we are turning back in Time and by the next 3-5 years we are going to have another Ice Age. With Ice Storms ( not hail ) Pelets flying from the sky and more than 50 cm of Snow, all around the World! We are going back to 10,000 B.C!!!! I am really conserned, I am starting to actually believe in DOOMSDAY now, all these future sights and predictions could be true :( !
~TP~ ^_^
:eek: That is Quite a scary thought.

We all need to thow away our gases and stuff.

Alberta, here we are going to have a shortage on oil and gas. Thats why they raise the prices. Some people are just money- addicted idiots. Before the New Ice Age probalby and truly, there will be acid rain and Hope Fully We will get Killed from it Before the Ice Age.

People Need to wake up And stop Using PerishaLbe Natural resoures. :huh: :( :angry: :angry:

its raining where I am, but I don't think there is such thing as gobal warming, yet I care for the generations to come.
Umm.. Not saying that you should care but Global warming but its Happening as we speek, it might not be BAD now but by the time 2012 comes around something should happen ( I hope nothing )

  • Glaciers are melting
  • Polar Bears are Nearly Extict
  • Bears Don't have enough Salmon *cause to global warming the fish are dieing and bears can't eat
  • Water Levels are Rising
  • The Cost of Canada Britsh Columbia have Islands already Underwater
  • Arctic Animals are almost all dead
  • Theres much more I can't bare to say..
I am not forcing people to care, but I recommend you care. Like tamaMamita said you don't have to care for us, but care for the generations yet to come. Your Kids may have to suffer Global Disasters such as:

  • Hurricanes
  • F5 Tornandos
  • Floods
  • Mud Slides
  • Ice Stroms
  • Ice Age*Type Snow Stroms
I have a Strong Opinion about our Planet Earth, I am taking a Stand maybe you won't but I will! :huh:

~TP~ ♪

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I couldnt care less about Global Warming.Honstely I dont even think its real.
100% agree.

Earth goes thorugh warming and cooling cycles, and this is one of the "bigger" ones, if saying that makes you happy.

I never want to see another report about global warming because i couldn't care less. Other planets have this too.

U said it Starman.exe!!! :huh:


I am not forcing people to care, but I recommend you care. Like tamaMamita said you don't have to care for us, but care for the generations yet to come. Your Kids may have to suffer Global Disasters such as...
*face palms and grumbles like an old person*

First and formost.

Not everyone is going to birth children. I ain't haivin' kids in the future, nor are alot of people. So don't use the "Your kids..." tatic on people, please. I loathe that when people say that.

The 2012 thing?

The Mayan Calander was off by seven years, so 2007 was basically 2012. I wish people would stop worrying so much.

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even if we did start caring theres no way to reverse the damage!
YESH THERE IS! If u ppl start caring and try to make a fundraiser for ur skewl to use biodegradable lunch trays, recycle, and energy saving light bulbs it wouldnt make much of a difference but it sure would help!

100% agree.
Earth goes thorugh warming and cooling cycles, and this is one of the "bigger" ones, if saying that makes you happy.

I never want to see another report about global warming because i couldn't care less. Other planets have this too.

U said it Starman.exe!!! :nazotchi:


i'm not sure if global warming exists because the only person who can destroy the earth is God and He said he wouldn't :nazotchi: :lol:

No need for the caps lock to be on.

Let me say this in a calm and cool voice.

You can't force people to care. People can live how thet want and choose how to live it. If a smoker wants to smoke. Let them.

If a person wants ot get drunk off their booty, let them.

People do NOT like being told what to do or how to live. I think the Orginal Poster needs to take a chill pill and relax. Instead of forcing a major protest towards people.

I don't belive a lick of sense of what Al Gore says or what these Global Warming Activsists/Crazis think. There is a thing called Global Climate change. Scientists say we are also long over due for a pole shift also.

Tellin' a people and demanding that they should help isn't gonna make anything happen faster, kiddo.

Also, don't bring "god" or any holy figure into a debate.

I couldnt care less about Global Warming.Honstely I dont even think its real.
Same. Think like a scientist looking back over 200 million years. Ice age and other are stages this is just a heat wave. I dont believe global warming exsists but i do care for he enviroment...

[SIZE=10pt]Have you been living in a hole? ^^[/SIZE]
I don't belive it's real either. Nor do alot of sane people. Like I said. I don't belive what Al Gore says or what extreamist have to say or think. Global Warming Activsists take their views way too far.

I don't belive it's real either. Nor do alot of sane people. Like I said. I don't belive what Al Gore says or what extreamist have to say or think. Global Warming Activsists take their views way too far.
[SIZE=10pt]Do you guys live together in the hole? ^^[/SIZE]

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