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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
East Midlands
Basically, I have a V3 tama and a V4.

When I connected them, in their friends list there was an :D in each! They were only toddlers at the time!

Is this a glitch, or is it just because they are different versions?

EDIT: Oh, as well, is the mailman/postman supposed to be a :) as well?

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The character you're talking about is called the Nazotchi. It shows up on the Tamagotchi screen when the visiting character is not programmed into the Tamagotchi it's visiting. Then it shows up in the friend list like that.

Let's say you have a new V4 character in your V4, that was never in the V3. You send the V4 character to the V3 screen, and it can't show up because it's not programmed into it.

Also, if there's a V3 character that's not in the V4, it will show up as the Nazotchi.

I hope this helps.

It's because they're different versions so it'll sometimes show up as :eek: because the v4 might not have your v3 character and vice versa. ;)

The character you're talking about is called the Nazotchi. It shows up on the Tamagotchi screen when the visiting character is not programmed into the Tamagotchi it's visiting. Then it shows up in the friend list like that.
Think of it as: V3 has 50 numbers that represent charactors and if you connect with v3 and v4 the v4 has higher numbers so the v3 goes to the last number witch is Nazotchi

Basically, I have a V3 tama and a V4.
When I connected them, in their friends list there was an B) in each! They were only toddlers at the time!

Is this a glitch, or is it just because they are different versions?

EDIT: Oh, as well, is the mailman/postman supposed to be a :angry: as well?
Yep, that's what happens when 2 different version's connect. Just like mentioned, it'll do that because v4 might not have the v3 charcter, and the v3 might not have the v4 charcter!

mametchi :(

The toddler is not programed on both of the version so they use a nazitchi (secret charecter) to replace the unknown charecter and the mail man is a :)

The V4 toddlers are different than the V3 toddlers so if you connect a V4 character to a V3 that has no use or memory of that character whatsoever, Nazotchi will show up as the default for unavailable. Your V3 doesn't know that character, so it can't show a pixel of the character in the friend list so Nazotchi fills in for it.

And no, you cannot raise a Nazotchi unless you debug.

I dont think you can raise a Nazotchi, but I'm not sure.
Yes you can but it is the rarest character of them all. "Nazo" means secret.

Back on topic. Every single tamagotchi (that can connect) has a Nazotchi in it so that's why I have a whole friend list of them. (Only two out of my seven tama's are the same version.) Also, if you have a V1/V2 Mametchi on a V3/V4 screen it will apear as a diffenet mametchi 'cause they changed there appearnce.

Yes you can but it is the rarest character of them all. "Nazo" means secret.Back on topic. Every single tamagotchi (that can connect) has a Nazotchi in it so that's why I have a whole friend list of them. (Only two out of my seven tama's are the same version.) Also, if you have a V1/V2 Mametchi on a V3/V4 screen it will apear as a diffenet mametchi 'cause they changed there appearnce.
Does it really mean that?

Ah, the ol' Nizotchi. Basically, it means that whichever character you have on your V3, your V4 didn't recognize because it was not a V4 character, and the other way around. Don't worry about it, it happens, it's annoying to some people, and it's not a glitch.

Ah, the ol' Nizotchi. Basically, it means that whichever character you have on your V3, your V4 didn't recognize because it was not a V4 character, and the other way around. Don't worry about it, it happens, it's annoying to some people, and it's not a glitch.
Ya, it happens so much to me, since I connect my v3 and v4 together!

mametchi :p

I dont think you can raise a Nazotchi, but I'm not sure.
It is possible to raise a Nazotchi, but only if your tamagotchi is on the debugged mode. Otherwise, you can't ever raise a Nazotchi. :lol:

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