girl and her digital zoo.


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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2007
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Utah, In the USA.

Hi! Im illuniss, and this is my first entry. i will now tell you about my tamas: i have a V4, witch i just got this year. i have a V3, who i got from an ex-friend a year ago in february. and then i have a V1 and a V2 that i got from my dad for christmas (they out of batteries), the v2 a year after the V1. i also have a pocket neopet, a pocket neopet duluxe, and a nano puppy.

I really want to go to japan and buy a uratama. so i asked my mom how much ticket would cost. $2500.00. o_o like im ever going to have that much. much less am i ever going. but mom says that she has got to send my aunt kaori (lives in Tokyo)$50 and get more Japanese money. she said that she might say "oh, by the way, can you get this tamagotchi for my daughter?" it might happen...


Ducky fried chicken!

that is what my 5 year old brother said when he found out that mom was getting KFC for dinner last night. then she told us that me and my twin sister, sara, called it frucky tied chicken. and sometimes it came out badly...

im wondering if i should take a 2032 battery out of a less interesting pet (LPS digital bunny. very boring.) and put in in my v2? i cant get the screw on my v1 to budge. not with my pocket knife screwdriver.

my brother just came up and said "im scared, and your stupid." right to my face. Boys are so weird.


Okay, I've got quite a bit to cover today.

1. My signature needs updating.(If you are reading this after the date it was posted, it probably already happened.)

2. My brother just got my sisters old v2.

3. I got batteries in my v1 and v2. all my tamas are running! B)

1. Artix is now a Gozarutchi. And Twilly is now a Mimiyoritchi. And my v2, Coca, is a Kusakatchi. And my v1 (Paused until further notice, due to being a baby) Frost is a Babytchi.

2. Ben, my 5 year old brother, just got my anti-anything-I-think-is-positively-adorable-or-addicting-or-FUN sister's v2. It was a girl, just like he wanted(there's something wrong here...). He named it Ami. As in Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi. That Japanese band to which I am hooked. He brings it to me whenever it beeps at him (He's 5, he can't read. Can you blame him?) to me, and i fix it up. I am now the tama doctor at my house. :eek: Somehow he managed to get a Ringotchi as a teen. I'm amazed. I thought it would be dead by this time yesterday. All he knows how to do is feed it and scoop the poop. *shrugs*

3. My mother said she would let me have 2 2032 batteries if I help Ben's tama stay alive. So now I have all my tamas up and running! Yay! :D The reason my v1 is paused is because all my other tamas are grown up, so I'm waiting for Otokitchi, the matchmaker to show up and then, once the parents are gone, have the closest thing I can to a group hatching. :D


My little brother keeps coming up and saying "Aud, can i play your DS?" "Yes, if you play with the princess, not on my saved game. The cake shop is practically out of business, thanks." Playing with the princess is the award for wining, by the way. If they have a king, why not a prince, queen, and princess? They've all visited my shop(s) at least once. Aw, crud. I forgot to take out my GBA game. It only has one save slot, and if he chooses the red letters, it will delete my oh so valued and worked on game.

Yay! My v2 get married! :eek::huh:

Dang, this post is long! :D


i have just discovered something. i am allergic to grass. :eek:

now i have rashes up and down my arms. and they ITCH!!!

one of my hobbies is gardening. i do it with my grandmother, who i call "grama" and then there is my "grampa". i love them both very much.

grampa has diabetes and came over to get more blood test strips because he ran out. we have lots of them because ben, who ive mentioned earlier, is a diabetic (he got diagnosed at age 1. poor kid). granpa has had foot problems for as long as i can remember (and im 13!) and broke his leg about 2 years ago. he needs to use a cane, not only for his legs, but for his eyes. we are afraid he will end up in a wheelchair, and eventually go blind. :blink: but his vision is still holding up, and the blind thing was diagnosed about a year ago, so things are good.

grama used to have a nice house and a BEAUTIFUL garden, but she didnt have a very good job, and she didnt have enough money to keep the house. she now lives with my aunt lisa, but her garden is long dead. :) this happened because mu uncle dave bought her house and just didnt care.

so now they come down to our house and grampa watches his star trek dvds and me and grama go out and do gardening. i adopted the garden because my mom has lupus, which is a disease that causes her joints to get very puffy if she gets stressed, does lots of physical work, or sits out in the sun for too long. so despite the major weed problem, our garden is looking pretty nice. :p i planted snap dragons (and there was a spider.AAHH!!) and one of the sweet peas we planted a while back sprouted up! yay!


been a while sense i last posted. wow. about a month, actually. :D

anyways, let me go get my tamas off of my bedpost-thingy. (what am i thinking, going onto tamatalk without my tamas on hand??? :lol: )

ok, got them. lets see... v1 is ok, v2 is too... WHAT??? v3 battery attack! :mametchi: now i have to sneak one out of the cupboard... v4 is ok...

ok. this is what happened: my beautiful v3 DIED :D and my v1 was a baby. so i waited for my v4 and v2 to mary and so i would have a (more or less) group hatching, although most of them didn't hatch.

Frost, my v1,is now a marutchi (little blob with a face on it) and is paused.

Tear,my v2, is now a kinokomatchi (other little blob with a face, kinda shaped like a potato) is also paused.

I have no idea what my v3's name is, the battery just died. not paused because the battery is dead. (duh)

Nacho, my v4, is still a baby. not paused, because it is not yet a toddler. i also now have to keep my toddlers paused because my v3 battery dead. *sigh* :D (it affects and causes so many things!)

has anyone ever wondered why almost half the smilies are memetchi? i mean, if the logo of tamatalkis a mimitchi, shouldnt they be that instead? (amazing how quick my mind transfers from one random subject to the other...... :mimitchi:

Camping, day 1

the first day was mostly driving and trying not to wee in the car seat. our cousins were coming with us, so whenever we stopped at the bathroom/gas station it was like




"see you in 2 hours"

"see ya"

By the time we reached our campsite, our legs were jello. it was around 5:00 pm, because, unlike mom said, we got out the door around 11:00 am, not 10.

my sister made anew record, too. the first thing every kid had to do was get out of the car, climb over a tree, and climb a GIANT rock. when my sis stepped out of the car, the tree gave her a long, nasty scratch down her cheek. New record for time taken for the first wound on camping trips: 2 minutes.

Then we put up our pop up tent trailer, and cooked dinner. not very interesting day. :D

Camping, day 2

we hiked up the long way to delicate arch on day 2.

I am going to have to find a picture of me under the arch once i get it uploaded.

anyways, the path was pretty good for a while. gravel paths, going by the century old houses of wolfe ranch (google it. its awsome!). after that, though, it went up this huge slickrock. and right as you thought you were at the top of it, you saw yet more of it.

This happens about twice.

after that, you end up walking along a cliff path.

and then... TADA!!! delicate arch.

I got to touch it! yay!

then we went to a couple of gift shops, where i bought a cat plushie and a bracelet. then we went back to camp and cooked hot dogs. Yum!

check out my blogagotchi to see pics.

Camping, day 3

mostly we just let our feet heal this day... nothing much happened exept that we climbed a big rock in the campsite. and learned that the campground was run by this nasty old lady who thought we were stupid. you see, my mom has lupis(google it), so she has a problem keeping herself cool. that is why we have a generator (makes electricity) and an air conditioner in our trailer. but the rules for running our noisy loud generator said this: from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm. which meant that we couldn't run the air conditioner on our lupis mother during the hottest part of the day. the way that she said it just made her sound like she thought we were stupid. Like we should know the rules that aren't posted anywhere, including the website that we made reservations on. she just..... argh! :D :p :p

watch for more camping days!

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