Giga pet Bunny wont take meds


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Jan 3, 2007
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Is there some special way to get my bunny to take its meds when it is sick. I go to the cross, select the med, and then zap it, just as you do to feed it ir anything else, but my pet just stands there looking sick and gets a question mark over his head. The reason I know he is sick is because he has a sad face and it says he has a brain freeze. I have no clue what this means. I have tons of medicines but cannot get him to get any of it. Is my pet broken? Its brand new.

that exact thing happened to me! it had a brain freeze too! but i know how to cure it. it does the question mark because you're giving it the wrong medicine. you have to give it the chili pill.

so does that mean that the medicines wont even go into the bunny unless its the correct one? Cause when I try and give it any medicine, the number of that item doesnt even go down. Like if I have 5 of something and try and give him one of them (if its meds) I still have 5. He wont take it at all.

Do I have to go through all the meds trying them till I find the correct one then? Is that what ya mean? Then he will take it only if its the one he needs?

so does that mean that the medicines wont even go into the bunny unless its the correct one? Cause when I try and give it any medicine, the number of that item doesnt even go down. Like if I have 5 of something and try and give him one of them (if its meds) I still have 5. He wont take it at all.
Do I have to go through all the meds trying them till I find the correct one then? Is that what ya mean? Then he will take it only if its the one he needs?
Yes,and most of the time you can figure out what medicines to give it.

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