GG96's Tamagotchis <3


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York; United States
Ok, this is my new Tamagotchi log. I have decided that I am going to start off with a fresh new log. And I am going to try to update this log daily unlike my other one that I would only update every few weeks or something like that.

I am going to start off by logging my V4.5, as it is my only active Tama right now. I'll post her stats:

Name: Emma

Gender: F

Age: 1

Weight: 33 pounds


Funny: 41

Gorgeous: 42

Spiritual: 61

Training: 5/9

Generation: 4

Points: 41000

Username: Happy

Tama: Hitodetchi (soon to be a teenager!)

Emma is generally a laid back Tamagotchi, you could say. She doesn't beep much and is very happy just bobbing around on her little screen. She reminds me a lot of her great grandmother (aka generation 1 for this tama) Nicki. I loved Nicki. She grew up to be the Tama that looks like a peanut with a bow on its head. Attack me for now knowing the name of that character, but I am terrible with V4.5 characters.

Emma evolved into an adorable Ura Young Marotchi! Mr. Canvas is her teacher. So she'll probably be a Marotchi when she gets older. Her stats are as follows:

Name: Emma

Gender: F

Age: 2

Weight: 21 pounds


Funny: 105

Gorgeous: 54

Spiritual: 228

Training: 7/9

Generation: 4

Points: 40700

Username: Happy

Tama: Ura Young Marotchi

Hello everyone! Emma is just bobbing around. I've just been taking her to school. I don't know how many times, though. 10 times is the max, so I'm just going to keep taking her until she gets up to 268 skill points in the spiritual area. I'm excited right now because Emma should be turning into an adult today!! She has been 2 years old for a day now, so that should tell her little pixely body to start growing. I'm pretty sure she's going to be a Marotchi. I'll have to check the character charts.

Also, I never told you that my Version 4.5 is the leopard/cheetah print design. It is awesomeness! I love that design. It is awesomeness. Haha, so I suppose I'll be updating in a little while, if Emma turns into an adult.


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