Getting same characters on V3?


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Well-known member
May 19, 2013
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I'm not talking the usual same characters, I'm saying that every toddler, teen and adult is the same, depending on generation. I've gotten the same toddler three times in a row when the parent's training should mean that I would never get that particular toddler. I've gotten the same teen two times in a row with lots of care misses and again with no care misses. I also keep getting the same adults every other generation. Is there anything I can do about this?

The V3 (and V2) base a lot of their evolution on randomness. You can click here to see a very nice growth chart by Osumesu21 from Tama-Zone.

As you can see, you're probably just as likely to get Mizutamatchi as you are to get Tamatchi; the same goes for Kuchitamatchi and Mohitamatchi with healthy parents. I don't blame you for your outcome though, I can't even begin to remember how many times I've gotten Gozarutchi and Kurokotchi. Sometimes the V2 and V3 always seems to come up with the same species over and over and over, regardless of how random it's supposed to be.


:p Joking aside, it's more than likely just a case of bad luck. Good luck on getting different characters in future runs! May Decotchis, Dorotchis, and Bunbuntchis be ever in your favor!


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Complete_tama_fanatic explained it really well (that Dilbert comic was spot on, and I actually remember reading that!) and also the growth chart he linked to should help you. For the longest time I kept getting Mizutamatchis as my toddler characters, perhaps with a few Mohitamatchis thrown in. My teen characters would be different but I found a way to amuse myself was trying to get the lower tier characters by neglect. By neglecting, I got a different variety of characters and on the flip-side, taking near perfect care also got a different batch of characters.

It seems whatever character the teen character is narrows down the evolution pool. I'm not so sure if the teen characters are tied down to the level of care given since I got a Hashitamatchi when I was taking at least above average care and he later became either a Decotchi or Debatchi. As seen by this growth chart , it is possible to raise a Mimitchi out of Hashitamatchi, which further strengthens that the teen characters are not tied down to care level.

There is a lot out there questioning the growth of a V2/V3.. From what I have noticed bad care parents decrease the odds (slightly) in getting a good care teen. Let's bring my current generation on my V3. She was mostly sleeping, and only awake for a few hours. She got some training. She started out as a tamatchi cool beans a different toddler for me. And during her toddler stage she was sleeping during the day and awake when I got home until I went to bed. So she got really good care, and instead of a good care teen I got Hashitamatchi a bad care teen. And from what I have seen in long term generation logs on these tamas, weight, turning the light off, how well you can keep the meters full, cleaning poop asap, and training and so on all influence which care level you are found in (perfect, good, average, below average, and rotten). But also I think the parents also influence it, ie with bad care parents its harder to get a good care teen and adult, with good care its easier to stay up in the good care and harder to fall all the way down to rotten

And again it also falls on random number generators and chance within each tire you have equal chances of each character

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