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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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I have this teacher. and um.. anyways..

One day this kid ask the teacher "Can you warm up my bums?" He was talking about Honey buns and the teacher took it the wrong way. He was like "I'm a normal guy, I don't do that type of stuff". And he was going on about how not normal it isn't to be a person like that.

Another day he says "Hey, That's not normal. Boys like Girls, and Girls like Boys."

One day.. he was playing this song and he was like "All the gay males like this type of stuff."

Another day he's like.. "Awhh, I can't go to prison" and then he starts talking about how gay males might rape him when he bends down. And once again, he talks about how "un" normal it isn't. Plus, he talks about how uncomfortable that would make him.

Then one day he bags on these 2 boys for touching each other.

Um.. I'm not butthurt, but I'll say it like Buneary. "W.T.F.?"

Perhaps.. I'm not taking this in too much?

He's being rather anti-gay :/ I wouldn't know what to do, all I know is he's being pretty rude c.c sorry I'm not much help xD

You should talk to a principal or someone higher up than this teacher. Explain to them calmly what he's been saying and tell them that it's offending and makes you uncomfortable. They might talk to him about his behavior and have him at least tone it down.

He's being discriminatory and most schools have a zero-tolerance policy for that kind of thing, especially coming from staff.

It'd be the same situation as if he were making racial remarks. Teachers don't exactly get away with that.

He's just another homophobic, uneducated idiot.

Seriously, listen to SK.

Being a teacher he should be teaching everyone's an equal, not his homophobic beliefs.

I think Heather and Michelle covered everything I could possible say.

Everybody has a right to have an opinion but he is an adult and should quite clearly understand his opinion is extremely insulting to others and he should take that into account. I think you should tell the principal about it.

It's possible that he's trying to relate to the kids (because you know how kids can be), failing miserably and offending people. Definitely go see the principal, as SK advised. He shouldn't get away with that.

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