I don't think that they are creepy! They never wake me up. They sometimes wake up when I don't want them too. E.G. When I pick them up once I have played with them to put them back in their place. They never wake up if they are asleep and you don't touch them though. Unless they fall over. I don't hate Furbys. I love them.

I have an original 1. (Although it broke when I dropped it.

It was a grey color. I don't have it any more.

) A McDonald 1. (Same thing. Broke when I dropped it.

It was also grey. I still have it though. ) 1 2005 "Hey Furby!" Edition. (Still working. ^_^ It is actually probably my favorite Furby. I LOVE the voice recognition and that you can speak to it in both Furbish and English! I have the yellow and pink version.) Last but not least a 2012 reboot. (My 2nd Fave! I LOVE the app! So much fun!

I have the white 1. The first wave version. It is SO FLUFFY and SO CUTE! I still have it.

Order I like them in: 1. 2005 "Hey Furby!"
2. 2012 reeboot
3. McDonald Furby
4. Original Furby (I think it looks a little bit creepy. I dont remember it that much because I was only little. I still like it though!

EDIT: Oh. I forgot too say something. I can actually speak fluent Furbish. (I have got too much free time on my hands I know) Not even my friend could speak fluent Furbish and she played with hers more than I played with mine! She did not believe me when I said so. I said to her Furby in Furbish "Kah May-may U-nye" (Me love you. There is no I in furbish so you use Kah for I but the translation means me.) The Furby shouted "Yaaaaayyyyyyyy!" and started to dance. My brother did not believe me either so I had to show him with my Furby too. Does anyone else here know Furbish?